Tales from a Metalhead: Chapter 11: “Lay Your Cards On The Table”
TNT is the most successful Norwegian Hard Rock band hailing out of the 80s. Obviously axeman Ronni Le Tekrø played an important role with his unique, flashy, fast playing …READ MORE
TNT is the most successful Norwegian Hard Rock band hailing out of the 80s. Obviously axeman Ronni Le Tekrø played an important role with his unique, flashy, fast playing …READ MORE
I have liked W.A.S.P. since the first album came out in 1984. Well, actually I’ve liked them since they released the first single “Animal (F**k Like a Beast)” …READ MORE
Despite living in the Norwegian capital, for the most part I had to leave Oslo to attend the biggest Metal shows in the 80’s. The concerts took place in two different arenas on opposite sides of Oslo …READ MORE
Norwegian Hair Metal legends TNT are back with a new, polarizing album. A poor choice in XIII‘s lead singles will probably doom the release, which is a shame as this album does have many flaws …READ MORE
Featuring new albums from Crying Steel, Fantasy Opus, TNT and Big City! …READ MORE
Ronni Le Tekrø, best known as the axeman with Norwegian hardrock band TNT and as a solo artist, just released the second album in his “Mein Ampf” trilogy: Mein Ampf II. Metal Express Radio is happy to …READ MORE
Metal Express Radio’s Stig Nordahl caught up with the guitar wizard from TNT, Ronni Le Tekrø, to talk about his new solo album, Mein Ampf, the two sequels that are planned, the videos for the …READ MORE
Ronni Le Tekro about his first album in a trilogy Mein Ampf and the status for TNT.
The legendary Norwegian Heavy Rock band TNT has released yet another new album, and this time it’s a release that puts itself miles above the last two records, which were rather disappointing. A Farewell To …READ MORE
Just when you thought the days of the “Unplugged” series of acoustic cover recordings were over, out comes another version. Tony Harnell, best known as the former lead singer of the Norwegian Hard Rock/Glam Metal …READ MORE