Featuring new albums from Artillery, Symphony Of Sweden, Elettra Storm & Traveler! …READ MORE
Featuring new albums from Artillery, Symphony Of Sweden, Elettra Storm & Traveler! …READ MORE
Featuring new albums from Robin McAuley, Sonic Haven, Artillery & Bernth! …READ MORE
It’s been two years since the Danish Thrashers, Artillery, released their comeback album, When Death Comes, and now they are out there again with a new album entitled My Blood.
It was as if the past two years flew by faster than the speed of light for the Danish band Artillery. At least fans didn’t have to wait another decade for a new album, as these …READ MORE
The Danish giants are back. Their comeback is much better than their first comb-B.A.C.K (Their first comeback album ten years ago) for sure. The band armed itself with a new skilled vocalist, Soren Adamsen, who …READ MORE
Time again for another Keep It True (KIT) festival. This time, and for the last time, Keep It True lasted only one day. The organizers announced recently that they would concentrate on organizing only one …READ MORE
Metal Mind Records from Poland has made an effort to renew some Thrash Metal classics. Artillery, along with other bands, was one of these bands. Maybe it is, in a way, connected to the fact …READ MORE