THERION – Sirius B/Lemuria
Oh yeah, the beast is back! Not literally – it’s neither my ex-girlfriend nor my work colleague with the wide mouth that you might think I’m talking about (luckily, they’re far away) – what I’m …READ MORE
Oh yeah, the beast is back! Not literally – it’s neither my ex-girlfriend nor my work colleague with the wide mouth that you might think I’m talking about (luckily, they’re far away) – what I’m …READ MORE
As far as I’m concerned, this is a new band to the Melodic Death Metal scene, and, signed as they are on the quality-conscious Scarlet label, and having Bjorn “Speed” Strid (of Soilwork fame) on …READ MORE
More Swedish Death Metal, and again, not without potential. This genre is a blooming one these days, and although there are very few new musical patterns to be found here, there still is some good …READ MORE
From time to time you encounter surprises. This album was one of those surprises, and a positive one too! I’d really never listened to Atrocity before receiving this album. In fact, my only exposure to …READ MORE
Caliban Due to a very early concert start (a good thing indeed, though), I missed most of Caliban’s performance. Still, what I saw was not bad indeed. They played a relatively Swedish style of Death …READ MORE
From the relatively deep woods of Sweden (Norway is, of course, the only country with truly deep woods) comes Hearse, a trio performing a death/doom ’n’ roll sort of Metal, and a very promising sort …READ MORE
“Never change a winning team” is a common saying. Edguy is outrageously far away from doing that. I’ve had lots of fun with Edguy both live and on record earlier, but I think this is …READ MORE
”These boots are made for walking”, Dave Mustaine used to sing. Some things in life are just destined to have a certain function, and some people are just destined to do certain things. When some …READ MORE
Metalian is about to conquer the world, and now there’s come some sort of woman into the mix too…. I’m short of bullshit tonight, let’s rock! And rock we will, because it’s a long time …READ MORE
These Swedes rank among my very favourites, and their four or five last albums are all true killers in my opinion. Therefore, I was both very excited and very nervous when I received the album …READ MORE