ME-GA-DETH! ME-GA-DETH! ME-GA-DETH! Close to 5000 punters chanted for a good five minutes before the Thrash masters took the stage at the Edmonton Convention Centre recently. We were treated to a video and musical montage …READ MORE
ME-GA-DETH! ME-GA-DETH! ME-GA-DETH! Close to 5000 punters chanted for a good five minutes before the Thrash masters took the stage at the Edmonton Convention Centre recently. We were treated to a video and musical montage …READ MORE
These days there is a lot of new music being released and it’s becoming harder to stand above the noise. A new form of Metal is also being created, part symphonic, part thrash, part power …READ MORE
Edmonton was treated to an assault of Doom, Prog and Sludge Metal earlier this week. The last time Opeth and Mastodon shared a stage in Edmonton, little known Ghost opened for them. Those of us …READ MORE