Interview with Anthony Tomaselli (Malicious Damage)

Malicious Damage return after almost 20 years with their debut EP release Scorched Earth Policy. Metal Express Radio seized the opportunity to ask some questions to the band’s guitarist and main composer Anthony Tomaselli who found some spare time from the recordings o

Reading you biography one would find out that you’ve been as a band since 1987 and this is your first release. Can you explain this situation?

Tony: Malicious Damage started in 1987 and lasted until 1991. Between that time we had a few releases and a few of our songs were featured on various compilations. I guess we were young, dumb and violent all at once. By the end of ’91 we really felt like we were torn up and beaten down mentally. We eventually disband by the end of that year due to personal conflicts. Although all of our hearts were still beating to the sound, there was way too much turmoil deep inside. All I really remember about those times is not really getting very much sleep. I guess the band had to disintegrate in order for the healing process to begin. Now, some 15 years later life has dealt Malicious Damage a new hand. It’s got to be because of the times we live in. How long can we last this time around? We’ll find out. We have left the miserable times behind us. I personally need the strength to walk the other way. I found conviction in my ever changing mind to make it work this time around. I don’t want another tragic end. I’ve realized that the first time around Malicious Damage was a victim of its own devices. But why bring it all back you ask? Because I’ve always felt Malicious Damage was irrationally cut short and that it had a lot more to give musically.

So, how did the writing/recording sessions last?

The sessions were a blast it was really great seeing old friends and recording Malicious Damage stuff again. We were in and out of the studio over a six week period, on the fly, trying to get studio time whenever we could. It really wasn’t until the project was completely finished, that we all decided to release it under the Malicious Damage name. Immediately all these old memories came flashing back to me. We all figured it sounded Malicious enough so why not, right?

What was the contribution of each member to the writing of the new songs?

Basically, the song writing process consists of Josh and I writing and arranging all the material. First, the guitar parts are structured. When we have a solid outline for a song we then work on fitting it all together musically with the other members and instruments. When that’s complete Josh gets a rough mix of each song so he can put his lyrical/vocal thoughts down. I found out this is what works best for us this time around.

After listening to Scorched Earth Policy is there something that you’d to change?

If we had the resources, we could have spent a little more on the post-production aspect of it. I don’t know, maybe I’m just nitpicking my own stuff to death. Overall though, I think it represents a point in time where we were musically and mentally. Just like our new full length c.d. entitled Fallen Kingdom that’s due out shortly will represent that point in time for Malicious Damage.

Why did you release an EP instead of a full length album?

We had our reasons. I guess you could say we wanted to test the waters first. To see what kind of feedback we’d get back from Scorched Earth Policy. We also wanted to limit our finances on it, so we could put a little more effort into Fallen Kingdom. We didn’t want to venture into something not knowing what to expect this time around. You have to remember Malicious Damage hasn’t been around for 15 years.

What is the Metal scene’s reaction to Scorched Earth Policy? Are you satisfied with it?

Overall we’re satisfied beyond our wildest imaginations. We would have never thought we’d be getting mail from all around the world, from people who seem to really dig what we’re doing musically. Man, I can’t begin to tell you how much we appreciate the support from everyone out there. We definitely need to thank Chicago Metal Works Radio for adding us to their regular playlist. Ron at Rotting Corpse Records for including us on their Raw Aggression 3 compilation that was just released you have got to pick up a copy of it there are some really killer bands on it. And last, but surely not least, Pete over at Heavycore this guy really knows his music.

Whose idea was the addition of Carpenter’s Halloween theme in “Stillborn Nation?”

The way that came about was just by chance I guess. If I look back at that moment now, I see that riff was actually the riff that that started the whole Maliciousness all over again. Kind of weird for me I guess. One day I just stumbled across the note sequence to the theme and figured it would sound pretty cool added to a song. I then proceeded to outline the rest of the chord progressions for the song. “Stillborn Nation” was the first Malicious Damage song to be written and recorded since 1991.

Do you read the reviews on your music? Do you get pissed when someone “buries” it?

I’ve read the reviews overall they’ve been really positive and very supportive. I figure everyone has their own opinion in what they want to regard as a great band, great song, great whatever. I’ve read one review recently where the reviewer compared us to Skinny Puppy. Personally, I don’t dislike the band; it’s just that I really don’t see the comparison. I take it that maybe the reviewer was listening to that band earlier and had that in his mind when he was listening to Scorched Earth Policy. Who knows? Human beings have always liked to categorize and label. It’s a way that the brain can relate to things that are new.

How difficult is to distribute a CD through the internet?

In this day and age with the advent of computer and the internet, everything’s there at your fingertips. It’s very easy. In one way, we have total control to distribute our own product worldwide to who ever wants it. The first time Malicious Damage was around you had to rely on labels and distributors to get your music to the masses. Now it’s just a mouse click away.

What are your main musical influences?

My main musical influences are varied and quite eclectic. I listen to anything that has strings or a guitar in it. Growing up I’ve gotten into the usual guitar heroes for the time. I find myself now just working with my own style of playing instead of someone else influencing me to play a certain way. I’ve figured it would be better for me down the road to develop my own fingerprint instead of someone else’s. Although I’m sure someone will even categorize or even label what I do so they can relate to it.

Do you listen to music when you’re in the writing/composing process?

Not really, when I composing material I really don’t like to have any outside sources influencing me into writing a certain riff, style, chord progression or melody line. I’ve found out over time that this process of creating works well for me. Plus, when I usually get so caught up in the moment I really don’t have time to listen to anything else. I guess I get pretty obsessed when I’m into that creative moment.

Can you make a living by writing/playing music?

As far as a monetary living it’s truly hard at times. You have to have just the right stroke of luck to make anything happen in life, or in general, for that matter. The music and entertainment industry are probably by far the hardest thing to make any sort of reliable income. You’d have to find success through perseverance plus having the pure love for making music.

What is the latest news from Malicious Damage camp?

The latest news is that we’re in the studio as we speak finishing up on our full length c.d. We’ve been working real hard since the release of Scorched Earth Policy writing new material for full length c.d. entitled Fallen Kingdom. So far we have ten songs that are slated for release. We’ve spent a major part of 2005 in the studio recording. We’ve also been networking the band trying to expose our music to as many people as possible that want to listen to it. We’ve been getting tremendous support from radio and fanzines from around the world. As soon as the new c.d. is finished we’re going to be hitting the road to support its release.

What are your future plans?

Our future plans are to keep writing and releasing material. We’ve already started writing material for another c.d. Since we’ve brought back Malicious Damage in 2005 we’ve just been concentrating on writing and recording. We still have songs left over from the Scorched Earth Policy sessions. When we released it we recorded ten songs and only used five. The reason behind this is that we only had enough finances available to work on our favorite ones. With the Fallen Kingdom sessions we’ve actually recorded fifteen songs but are only releasing ten of them. Hopefully in the future we’ll be able to go to the Malicious vault and release a double c.d. of material.

Which countries will watch Malicious Damage performing live?

Any country or place that really shows interest in what we’re doing musically. I’ve always appreciated the support European countries have given Malicious Damage. It seems at times that Malicious Damage gets more support from far away places than it does from right here at home.

What is the worst and the best Malicious Damage live performance and why?

As far as I can remember every gig was great. I have many killer memories. I’ve gotten the chance to meet and work with many great people over the years.

What do you expect from 2006?

We’ve always tried to expect the unexpected. Even at times when we weren’t able to see what was coming at us. Hopefully, 2006 will bring our music to more people and maybe more people will take notice of what we’re doing. Right now we have some work that needs to be taken care of as far as completing our new c.d. and getting the Malicious Damage name out there again. It’s going to take some time but we’re ready to do it this time around. This is a new Malicious Damage with a new attitude.

These were my question. I wish you the best in the future and keep the Underground Metal scene alive because the young metalheads have forgotten it!

Thank you very much Dimitris for your support and interest in Malicious Damage. We hope that your readers will enjoy the interview. We look forward to your continued enthusiasm. Keep up the killer work. These were some very impressive questions.


  • Dr. Dimitris Kontogeorgakos

    Dimitris was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He has a diploma in Physics, a Masters in Medical Physics and a doctorate dimploma in Nuclear Medicine (this is the reason for his Dr. title). He was given his first Heavy Metal tape at the age of 12 which was a compilation entitled Scandinavian Metal Attack. The music immediately drew his attention and there he was listening to the first Iron Maiden album, trying to memorize the names of the band members. That was it! After some years, he stopped recording tapes and started buying vinyl records, spending every penny in the local record shop. The first live concert he attended was Rage co-headlining with Running Wild.

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