GUIDO WISSMANN (DESASTER): “We Don’t Take Ourselves Too Serious And We Love What We Do”

DESASTER - Churches Without Saints

German Black Metal pioneers Desaster are set to release their ninth studio album Churches Without Saints Friday June fourth via Metal Blade Records. Desaster’s vocalist Guido Wissmann took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the band’s upcoming release, working with the band’s new drummer in the studio for the first time, the bands longevity, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: Desaster’s new album, Churches Without Saints, is set to be released June 4th via Metal Blade Records – what can you tell fans about the upcoming release?

Guido: Oh, what to tell about this. It’s the ninth Desaster Album, and we are happy that we finished it last year, when we can’t play any gigs and concerts. The same procedure as always, done with lack of talent but with passion.

MER: How was it writing and recording with the band’s new drummer, Hont?

Guido: Hont is drummer with passion and talent, he is a metal maniac for sure so we already know that he is the right one for Desaster. The recordings were very relaxing and satisfying.

MER: The band recently released the single “Learn To Love The Void” – do you feel like this song gives fans a good idea of what to expect from the full-length?

Guido: No, there are a lot of other types of songs, because we like our albums diversified. But we and I think this is one of the best and catchiest songs from Churches Without Saints.

MER: How would you compare Churches Without Saints to the band’s other albums?

Guido: It’s Desaster, like always, but maybe with some different vibes in some songs this time.

MER: What are the plans for the band when it is safe enough to tour?

Guido: We don’t play complete tours since years. Exceptions prove the rule, but we prefer single shows at the weekends. No, there aren’t any concrete plans, because no one knows what will be allowed in the next time. We will see, but we would be very happy to enter the stage again.

MER: Being from Germany, what are some of your favorite places to play around the world and why?

Guido: I love South America, especially I like Brasilia, and the reason is simple. There is a lot of passion, and of course the weather and the food is killer too.

MER: Having started in 1988, what has been the key to the longevity of the band?

Guido: We don’t take ourselves too serious and we love what we do. Another reason would be that we are not really a part of the business. We have “normal” jobs to pay our bills.

MER: For anyone that’s unfamiliar with Desaster, what is one album you would recommend someone to start with and why?

Guido: I think the new one is a good starter. Because it combines all trademarks we set in the past.

MER: Since joining the band in 2001, what are some of your favorite memories?

Guido: There are a lot of fantastic memories, but it’s hard to remember where and when these things happened. Hahaha…


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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