ADRIAN KÜHN (KÄRBHOLZ): “We Changed The ‘E’ To An ‘A’ And Put Some Dots Above, Because That’s What Gave MOTÖRHEAD Their Global Fame”


Not Your Äverage German Rock Band

Kärbholz is one of the most revered German-speaking bands of the last decade. The Ruppichteroth, Germany four piece formed in 2003 and signed with Metalville Records in 2015 for the release of their Karma album. Every studio album that followed consistently placed in the Top 3 of the German Top Ten. Kontra. (with the period) is the latest album by Kärbholz. I had the chance to speak with guitarist Adrian Kühn

Metal Express Radio: If I knew absolutely nothing about Kärbholz, how would you describe the band’s music to me?

Adrian Kühn: Well, the ingredients to Kärbholz music are four friends entering the stage, loving what they’re doing and playing some kickass Rock ’n’ Roll.

If you listen to a record you’ll hear the energy behind every chord and the love for music. Seeing the band on stage will give you a smile on the face you’ll find on every band members face.

The band’s lineup is a Classical Rock setup based on guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocals. Trying to put a common ground to the music would most likely tend to be riff based Punk Rock music with experimental influences from Metal, Country, Rock ’n’ Roll and Singer/Songwriter elements from time to time, because that is the music we also love to hear as individuals.

MER: Your new album Kontra. is set to be released on March 26, 2021 through Metalville Records. You’ve released two singles from the album so far. What can you tell us about the song “Rückenwind?”

AK: Yes, finally. After some logistic struggles, caused by Corona, we had to postpone the release from the 26th of February. So we are so pumped to finally give birth to our new baby and are really looking forward to how people going to appreciate the new record.

Releasing singles before an album is always the attempt to get people hyped, to get them to want the new record even more. The purpose, in our mind, of releasing singles is some kind of advertisement. You try to release songs that, in your opinion, represent the new record best.

So‚ “Rückenwind” was an obvious choice for us. Maybe not because it is musically speaking representative, but because it shows the direction, the way, we took on this record when it comes to the spirit of the new music. “Rückenwind” is a kind of a plain Rock ’n’ Roll/Blues Rock song, first time for us comped by a harp, that sings about motorized Wanderlust and the curiosity what lies behind the horizon. Wanderlust is not the main topic in the new songs, but it shows the positive attitude that unifies the songs and makes Kontra. whole in contrast to the last one Herz & Verstand which was a bit more of a heavy thinker and moody.

MER: What can you tell us about the song “Der schwarze Schwan?”

AK: The “Black Swan” tells of what happens when grief becomes anger, anger becomes rage, rage becomes aggression, and aggression becomes tragedy. What makes racism, exclusion, and disrespect germinate in people? And what grows from this germ? In the end, it will not be good…yet it could have been so simple.

The song is musically definitely an unusual bit, but the topic is especially in these times a very important one in our opinion.

MER: All of your albums are entirely in German. Have you thought about or has your record label suggested you record and English speaking album to appeal to a larger audience?

AK: Actually we already did one song in English. To be honest it was a cover, “Killed by Death” by Motörhead, because we had the great honor to contribute a song to a tribute sampler after Lemmy Kilmister’s death. But that is our only song in English so far. Yes, we thought about writing and singing in English, but honestly the English speaking ability of our singer is non-existent, politely speaking. So it is a big maybe in the future, but already a thought in our heads.

Also, German is our mother language. It is a complex and wonderful language and we love to use the possibilities of our language to its exceed. To put some double meanings behind the lyrics is what we love to do and what is also a trademark of our songs.

MER: How did you initially get your record deal with Metalville Records?

AK: If I remember correctly, we were having a couple too many beers on a festival with the label bosses and at one point they were so drunk they ended up signing a contract with us, and the rest is history. Now they have to deal with it…and us.

MER: What inspired the band’s name?

AK: With the first song came the need of a band’s name as well. It should be simple was the task. So someone came up with the ‘kerbholz’, basically and old expression for badass/kickass in Germany and originally wrote with an E. We changed the ‘E’ to an ‘A’ and put some dots above, because that’s what gave Motörhead their global fame as well. Turns out this drunken idea to be a stroke of genius because this new invented word does not exist and putting it in Google your first results are related to us.

MER: Kärbholz organized their own open air concert festival called Heimspiel in 2006. This was before you even released your first album. What is the festival all about and what led to the festivals creation?

AK: The area we live in is very rural. So there was not much opportunity around to play live, to go on stage, we had to find our own possibilities. It was a coincidence that our local soccer club hosted a sports week and was looking for some acts to play live to end the event. Our festival was born.

MER: How has it changed since its debut in 2006?

AK: After the first time in 2006 we took over the organization and made it an annual event, still in corporation with the soccer club. In 2014 we had to change locations, a bigger place, because of more people coming to visit. 2015 it became a 2 day festival with roundabout 6 bands and 4000 visitors each day. This is the place’s maximum and we are sold out. Also Heimspiel became one the biggest annual Rock Events in the county.

MER: What is one of the craziest things that went down at one of the festivals?

AK: Every year is unique with amazing people, good conversations, awesome shows and so on. But one of the craziest ever to happen on one of our festivals was two years ago when we had the pleasure to marry a befriended lesbian couple live on stage. The singer from the band performing before that event sang the favorite song for the girls, our singer announced the marriage, our drummer portrayed the preacher and married them and everybody was celebrating. A really breath taking, crazy, wonderful moment full of love and joy.

MER: Are you going to be able to have the Heimspiel in 2021?

AK: Well, we plan as if it could happen, as if we are able to celebrate again, after a 17 month absence from the stage. We are very afraid that it will also not be possible this year as it wasn’t last year.

MER: Is Kärbholz going to be able to tour in support of Kontra.?

AK: Same bitter truth here, we don’t know. We booked the goddamn, motherf****** biggest tour we would’ve ever played so far, but because of the actual situation we are not even able to announce it. So, sad but true, we will not be able to tour in support for the upcoming album as we wish to do it. Anytime, hopefully soon, in the future we will be able to get back on the stage again, and when this day comes we will give the new record the celebration it deserves because we think Kontra. is a really awesome record.

Kärbholz is:

Torben Höffgen – Gesang
Adrian Kühn – Gitarre
Stefan Wirths – Bass
Henning Münch – Schlagzeug


  • George Dionne

    George was a contributor here at Metal Express Radio, reviewing albums and conducting interviews, out of Massachusetts, USA. George has contributed to numerous music related websites and blogs, and even managed his own from 2004-2009. George's first assignment was covering a live show by the mighty GWAR. By contrast his later assignments featured Judas Priest, Van Halen, and Bon Jovi. George was also the front man for the South Eastern Massachusetts cover band Sound Tower from 2009-2015.  Sound Tower played 300+ shows across MA and had two original songs on the Cape Cod radio station PIXY 103. George enjoys a good whiskey, scotch, and/or bourbon and fights crime in his spare time.

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