ANDRE KUMMER (ENDSEEKER): “We Didn’t Put Ourselves Under Pressure And Approached The Whole Thing Much More From The Gut”


German Death Metal titans Endseeker will be releasing their third album Mount Carcass April 16th via Metal Blade Records. Endseeker’s drummer Andre Kummer took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the band’s upcoming album, a special streaming show the band has lined up, playing clubs versus open air festivals, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: Endseeker’s new album Mount Carcass is set to be released April 16th via Metal Blade – how does it feel to have the album done and ready to go?

Kummer: It feels fantastic. We are absolutely happy with the new album and can’t wait to finally present it to the people.

MER: How was the writing and recording process with this being the band’s third full length album?

Kummer: In fact, the album almost wrote itself. Since we couldn’t go on tour with our last album The Harvest due to the corona pandemic, we could fully concentrate on the songwriting. We didn’t put ourselves under pressure and approached the whole thing much more from the gut. The songs on the album therefore sound more direct and raw. That also became apparent during the recording sessions. It went very smoothly and each of us was perfectly prepared.

MER: The band recently released a video for the song “Unholy Rites”, what kind of feedback have you received on the song and video?

Kummer: So far, the reactions have been overwhelmingly positive. The video has a rather funny note, which fits the content of the song. We wanted to present a party death metal song with the first song release of the album, which is fun and at the same time a brutal headbanger. And most people seem to like it very much so far.

MER: Is there any song in particular you would suggest a fan to check out first off of Mount Carcass?

Kummer: That’s hard to answer, because for us, of course, all the songs on the album have their own character. Personally, I would maybe choose “Bloodline”, which has become a real “hit” for me. But actually all songs are highly recommended, haha.

MER: The band set to play a special release show for Mount Carcass on April 18th, how did this come about and what can fans expect from the show?

Kummer: In fact, the club (Knust, Hamburg) had already asked us some time ago if we wanted to play a streaming show at their place. At first we were skeptical, because we couldn’t imagine a death metal show without an audience in an empty hall. But it’s just different times at the moment. And then we had the idea to combine it with our album release. Meanwhile we are really looking forward to celebrate the album together with our fans. Even if it will only be virtual. But we are currently thinking about how we can design the show especially for this occasion. Some cool ideas are already there and we are sure that we will deliver you a really awesome evening.

MER: How have you and the rest of the band been able to stay in touch and keep busy during the pandemic?

Kummer: As I said before, we used the show free time to fully concentrate on the writing process of Mount Carcass. This was initially done digitally and in the home studio. So we could do a complete pre-production of the songs on our own. Then everyone learned his parts for himself. And we were lucky enough to have been allowed to rehearse together for some time. This allowed us to prepare well for the recordings, despite the pandemic.

MER: What do you see for plans with the band when it is safe enough to tour the world?

Kummer: I can answer that very quickly. Gigs, gigs and more gigs. As for most bands, not being able to play live is simply the worst thing for us. So we can’t wait to finally go on tour again. We are already planning really cool tour activities for the year 2022 and hope that they can finally take place then. Realistically, I don’t think it will happen before then.

MER: How is it playing open air festivals versus clubs?

Kummer: Both, of course, have their advantages and charm. Festivals are great because you have the chance to reach people who don’t know you yet. In addition, it’s often a family reunion, because you meet a lot of fellow musicians that you otherwise don’t get to see. At a club show, on the other hand, you know that the people are only there because of you. So it might be easier to get people in the mood. In addition, the contact to the fans is much more direct and you can talk to the people at the merch stand in a relaxed way and drink a beer. That’s hardly possible, especially at larger festivals. But as I said, I’m always happy when I can stand on a stage. No matter if it’s a club or a festival stage.

MER: If you could pair a German beer with Mount Carcass what would it be?

Kummer: Haha, a very good question. Personally, I would choose the “Ratsherren Pilsener” from my hometown of Hamburg. Honest, with a rough note and at the same time refreshing in the finish. Like Mount Carcass. It makes you want to drink it again, or rather listen to it.

MER: Out of the bands three albums, which would be the one you would recommend to someone unfamiliar with the band?

Kummer: You yourself have a certain relationship to each of the albums. But to someone who doesn’t know us, I would actually recommend Mount Carcass. And I’m not just saying that because it’s our new album, haha. But actually it combines all the features of Endseeker and at the same time it’s more accessible and more to the point.

MER: If there is anything you’d like to put in that we didn’t cover, go ahead! Thanks so much for your time and stay safe and healthy!

Kummer: Thank you for the interview and support! Listen to Mount Carcass! I hope you like it as much as we do and hopefully we’ll see you on tour sooner rather than later!


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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