W.A.S.P. – Golgotha

W.A.S.P. - Golgotha
  • 8/10
    W.A.S.P. - Golgotha - 8/10


Napalm Records
Release date: October 2, 2015

User Review
8/10 (1 vote)

Golgotha is the 14th studio album (counting The Neon God part 1 and 2 as one) from the legendary Blackie Lawless and his band. In my opinion it is their best release since The Crimson Idol (1992) and nearly six years after Babylon (2009), W.A.S.P. anno 2015 delivers a very strong and solid album. You can definitely recognize the typical W.A.S.P.-sound in songs like Scream, Slaves of the new world order and the title track Golgotha, but also more melodic rock like the first single Last runaway. Doesn’t that track include a touch of that famous rock band from New Jersey…?

Blackie Lawless‘ vocals is still very strong and his “nerve” brings the lyrics to a higher level. I can definitely feel that he means every word he sings. The album Golgatha may not never be as historic as the place where Jesus Christ was crucified, but it is still a very well spent hour listening to.

Check out our Metal Express Radio “Rockumentary” from 2004 here:


  • Dan Enqvist

    Dan is a screener and occasional reviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He is based out of Karlstad, in Sweden, right in-between Oslo and Stockholm. He grew up listening to Elvis, Chuck Berry, Eddie Cochran etc. When he was about 8 years old he heard this band that his big brother used to listen to. The band was Whitesnake and the album was Saints & Sinners. Dan got hooked and started to explore more bands like Def Leppard, Saxon, and Iron Maiden. Now he listens to Metal and Rock 'n' Roll almost every minute when he's awake. His favorite band is still Iron Maiden, but he enjoys more or less everything that rocks and kicks ass, from AOR to Death Metal.

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