at John Dee, Oslo, Norway, December 10, 2005

My oh my … how times fly!! This must have been what the guys from Trashcan Darlings were thinking as they celebrated 10 years playing together. To let all fans share the best moments from these last ten years, they also released the DVD Ten Years of Trash.

This was truly a happening a lot of Norwegian music lovers were excited to witness. Even bands like Silver, The Carburetors, Glucifer, and The Bazooka Boppers were here for this almost ”historic” event.

The first support band was German-based Trashqueens, a band that are such big fans of Trashcan Darlings, they’d almost pay to be on the same stage as them. Trashcan Darlings have toured a lot in Germany and almost have more status there than back home in Norway. Trashqueens did a fair job warming the audience up, despite their female singer sounding like your typical karaoke chick at times.

The next band out was the Norwegian all-girl band Cables … unknown by most, until now … but they did a hell of a job on stage. Not only did they look like a band of hot “Bratz Dolls,” they could also play. The girls wanted to be them, and the guys just wanted to be near them! Cables are hopefully a band that all will be seeing and hearing more from soon.

As the time crawled up to midnight, the self-proclaimed superstars entered their stage, all dressed up in their finest X-mas costumes … and as a band should on their 10-year jubilee, all of their greatest hits were played, to a crowd going wild! ”Rock’n’Roll Horror Show,” and “Me Punk, You Fuck!” had everyone singing along to the lyrics, while the rare ballad “Angel Lost” showed a different side of the band. This was without a doubt a memorable night for both the band and their loyal fans. It was plain to see that these Darlings had a blast on stage.

Not only was this their 10-year anniversary, it was also their last gig ever with bass player Danny Dee, who has chosen to leave the band for more quality time with his loved ones. The question is still; “Who will Trashcan’s next bass player be?” Auditions are still being held, so the question remains unanswered for a bit longer.

After twelve powerful Punk Rock tunes, Trashcan lashed off stage. While the audience yelled ”We Want More!”, supporters Cables entered the stage again, this time dressed up like the Trashcan Darlings. Tine Christiansen (vocals/guitar) as Strange?Gentle and Silje Dybedal (lead guitar) as Chris Damien Doll got the biggest laughs of the night as they performed ”Holiday In My Head.”

The crowd was still not satisfied until the originals came back on stage. Three encores, a stripping Santa Claus, and all the old band members joining in for the evening’s last song ”I Just Wanna Die (On A Chemical High)” rounded up this incredible night of Trash!

Trashcan Darlings are truly one of Norway’s hidden prides and joys. If you still haven’t experienced these Glam pioneers, please visit their Web site and see them live on the first occasion you get.

1. Psychotic Barbie
2. Criminal Porn
3. Rock ‘n’ Roll Horrorshow
4. European Suicide Bombers
5. (You Just Wanna) Sleep With Me
6. From Purity To Pain
7. Electric Vampires
8. Me Punk, You Fuck!
9. Satanic Rock
10. Angel Lost
11. Peggy-Sue Is Dead
12. Electro Shock Rock

13. Holiday In My Head
14. Johnny Is A Drag-Queen
15. I Just Wanna Die (On A Chemical High)


  • Anne-Lene Rodahl

    Anne-Lene was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Oslo, Norway, and she was the first ”gal” on board!

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