LOCH VOSTOK – V: The Doctrine Decoded

LOCH VOSTOK - V: The Doctrine Decoded
  • 8/10
    LOCH VOSTOK - V: The Doctrine Decoded - 8/10


ViciSolum Productions
Release date: October 4, 2012

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Loch Vostok is a five-piece Progressive Death Metal band from Sweden. Formed back in 2001, the band has developed and matured over the years to create an expressive high energy sound. V: The Doctrine Decoded is their fifth full-length album and, like their previous releases, contains the signature thrashing guitar riffs and powerful vocals, which have made them famous. Loch Vostok has the unique gift of blending the multiple genres’ of Progressive, Thrash, and Melodic Death Metal to produce a strong and creative form of music. This album certainly continues to exemplify all Loch Vostok has accomplished over the years.

V: The Doctrine Decoded is noticeably heavier than its predecessors. There is more aggressive Death Metal vocals, the guitar riffs are further toned down, and the keyboards play a more expressive role. The songs are also much less melodic. This album makes a very persuasive statement by taking Progressive Death Metal to the next level. It definitely takes all five members collectively to craft such an influential sound. There is not one stand out member or musician who can take credit for single handedly driving the compositions.

Vocalist, guitarist, and founding member Teddy Moller has stepped way out of the box by performing some of the most modern and diverse melodies produced this year. When he sings using a clean vocal style he comes off as very emotional and theatrical. His crisp baritone vocals have an expansive range that has the ability to transcend the listener to many aspects. However, on V: The Doctrine Decoded, Moller incorporates Death style vocals into nearly every track which is the key element that makes the album so much more vigorous than others.

Of course the musicianship of Loch Vostok has always been that of unquestionable brilliance. Each member of the band contributes their own form of artistic expression. Most notable is drummer Lawrence Dinamarca, one of the newest members and playing on his second Losh Vostok album. Dinamarca has an incredible gift of playing drums with so much passion and energy. This is the kind of thing not normally seen from drummer, but his playing is so pronounced it has now become a key force behind the newly developed sound of the band.

Arguably, one of the best tracks on the album is “Ravenous.” This song is a culmination of everything good about this album. It features energetic and emotional vocals, powerful guitar riffs, pronounced keyboard melodies, and limitless drumming. This track really stands out from the rest of the album simply because of the divisive energy it produces, and it has an outstanding modern feel as well.

V: The Doctrine Decoded may not be for everyone, especially if you crave lots of melody. Technically, however, this album provides some of the most gifted and boundless music around. There are not many bands you can compare to Loch Vostok, as they stand on their own as a pillar of creativity and immeasurable talent.


  • Sean Meloy

    Sean Meloy was a reviewer, interviewer and DJ here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Iowa , USA. By day he is a straight laced, buttoned up, number crunching accountant; armed with his portable calculator. All other times he is a hard rocking Metal head! He spent many hours listening to records and 8-tracks with his father. Classic bands such as Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, and Eric Clapton just to name a few. His father bought him his first record, Kiss Alive II, at age 6. By the time he reached his teens he was discovering all the Classic Metal of the 1980’s; Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Twisted Sister, etc. He became a huge fan of the Thrash Metal of the time as well; Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Exodus, and Overkill. During the 1990’s he experimented with the Grunge and Hard Rock. However, by the time the millennium came he found himself going back to his roots and rebuilt the music collection he started in his teens.

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