• 8.5/10
    IN THIS MOMENT - Blood - 8.5/10


Century Media Records
Release date: August 14, 2012

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

The Los Angeles based Metalcore heavyweights, In This Moment, have released their fourth full-length album, Blood. In This Moment was founded in 2005 by vocalist Maria Brink and guitarist Chris Howorth. They quickly put a solid line-up together and released their electronic demo via MySpace. The band generated an excited fan base through internet marketing and self-funded touring, and eventually released their major label debut album in 2007.

Just like their previous three albums, the sound of Blood has something a little different to offer. After producing a wide range of music from heavy Metalcore to harmonized Hard Rock albums, Blood presents a departure from some of the traditional Metalcore elements and focuses on electronic guitar and vocal sound experimentation. Additionally, the production favors an extremely bass heavy reverb — guaranteed to give your speakers a workout.

Vocalist Maria Brink is the true hero of Blood. All of the compositions are evolved around her rough and rugged smoky vocals. The opening track “Rise With Me” is certainly an attempt for Brink to demonstrate her range by performing in a low, sultry tone with lots of emotion. This is something Brink offers throughout the album, as there are about two or three tracks where Brink sings this way. One of the best vocal performances is heard on the song “Scarlet”, which features very intense emotion-filled vocals that drive the passion of the composition.

Of course no In The Moment album would be complete without a heavy dose of Brinks signature screaming vocals. Several tracks contain those vocal elements and usually include a crescendo that begins as a dull roar and works her way up to a full out scream. This element is most emphasized on the track “Comanche” on which Brinks declares “I feel the pressure building in me” (using her best Jonathan Davis impersonation) and then goes on to exclaim “Let me hear your war cry!!” in the most violent screech possible.

The use of electronic sampling takes prevalence on Blood as well. This is something new for In This Moment, and they actually pull it off surprisingly well. The title track “Blood” is most notable, as almost the entire track contains many uses of electronic and synthesized drum and vocals samples intermingled with heavy guitar riffs. This type of musical experimentation is sure to be a turn off for traditional Metal fans, however, the sheer energy and excitement that is invoked from this and other tracks like it is quite commendable.

Although clearly In This Moment are not the most talented or technically gifted musicians in the world, they are able to produce very creative songs and imagery appealing favorably to a particular fan base. As a whole, Blood is a very enjoyable listen; the songs are catchy and moving. If you can move past the unconventional electronic sampling elements, this album can turn out to be quite addicting.


  • Sean Meloy

    Sean Meloy was a reviewer, interviewer and DJ here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Iowa , USA. By day he is a straight laced, buttoned up, number crunching accountant; armed with his portable calculator. All other times he is a hard rocking Metal head! He spent many hours listening to records and 8-tracks with his father. Classic bands such as Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, and Eric Clapton just to name a few. His father bought him his first record, Kiss Alive II, at age 6. By the time he reached his teens he was discovering all the Classic Metal of the 1980’s; Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Twisted Sister, etc. He became a huge fan of the Thrash Metal of the time as well; Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Exodus, and Overkill. During the 1990’s he experimented with the Grunge and Hard Rock. However, by the time the millennium came he found himself going back to his roots and rebuilt the music collection he started in his teens.

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