• 7.5/10
    CREMATORY - Pray - 7.5/10


Blistering Records
Release date: January 2, 2008

User Review
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This is heavy-hitting stuff but it does not shred in vain. Crematory’s licks are intelligent even though they’re unforgiving. Oftentimes they’re melodic whilst the story line to many psalms has them bludgeoning sacrificial lambs to death. For that reason, the moral isn’t always clear. What’s apparent is that they strike down with furious vengeance any time there is a letdown in their cadence. When the sin is sloth they don’t take long to modify their instruments’ behavior.

From the get go, they demonstrate awesome but humbling hybrid effects. “When Darkness Falls” dives into the shallow side of the pool but quickly strokes out to the deep end. Like Opeth, they’re prone to mixing polar opposites in the same output. In spite of this, their lighter hues are more contemporary than their Swedish constituents. Then again, their dark matter is just as sinister.
Continuing on, “Left the Ground” and “Alone” are somewhere in the limbo between Bathory and Tom Brislin’s Pop. Also, sociable tones emitted from synths are sooner expected from The Killers. Comparative analysis aside, these amalgamations are actually quite weird, wonderful, and brilliant. Plus, the ghostly vocals in the background offset their leader’s guttural phrasings.

The title track is instrumentally a lot like Rammstein and the one after that, “Sleeping Solution”, has sequestered its components in a manner more vast than all the others. Not exaggerating one bit, its dichotomous parts are about as distant as Santa Claus’ home is to the continent of Antarctica. Then, “Just Words” tries its hand at tranquility by filling in the sonic abyss with depressing lyrics. So, it’s pleasant on the surface but an ear to the door will reveal sheer horror in its basement.

If that weren’t enough, this leads to another unnerving situation. In “Burning Bridges”, they add Disco and Progressive Metal to what some may already consider an implausible blueprint. Believe it or not, this would-be incubus is not that odd nor unlistenable by any stretch.

After that, nothing seems new, but that’s mainly because they’ve unturned every stone the genre will allow. This is good because “Remember” takes the best of what they have to offer from both opposing poles.

For those outside the perimeter, this is Germany’s most successful Gothic Metal-band ever. So, if you’re a newbie, this particular Decalogue is several albums removed from their debut. Still, Pray is just as good a place as any to begin your devoted service to this talented crew with the strange brew.

Their material can be just as heinous as Hardcore Metal, but unlike those dissonant noisemakers; they do everything in their power to put a damper on the kind of criticism those so-called bands from the netherworld deservingly invite. In Crematory’s case it’s different — as the devil’s advocate would have a difficult time manufacturing reasons for dissuasion.

For those who like it hard and fast, but tempered with the kind of acumen that only comes from real artists; this band and album is for you. Be that as it may, don’t let the angel on the cover fool you! While Pray consists of ten commanding cuts, it’s far from evangelical.


  • Joshua Turner

    Joshua was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. Iced Earth, Judas Priest, and Opeth are among his favorite bands, as well as Spock’s Beard and The Flower Kings. Once upon a time, the radio was a stopping point for him. From the day he discovered side-projects and Scandinavian imports, it all changed overnight. Outside of music, his passion is roller coasters. But when he's grounded and at home, he belong in the company of musical aficionados and technical shredders. He’ll get his jollies listening to Jazz Fusion when his favorites are in short supply. Still, if he had his druthers, give him a pretentious epic with a high-brow concept any day of the week (and slap on a guitar line with oodles of power chords for good measure).

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