ST. MADNESS – Saintanic

ST. MADNESS - Saintanic
  • 6.5/10
    ST. MADNESS - Saintanic - 6.5/10


Nasty Prick
Release date: February 27, 2009

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

For the wider audience, Arizona born and bred St. Madness may be one of North America’s better kept “secrets” where Metal is concerned. For those who have encountered the group previously, their unpredictability is being just predicted, but could also be taken off a curve for first time listeners. Although St. Madness specializes in chugging, groove-oriented Thrash-like Metal, on Saintanic they are, as usual, no strangers to incorporating other influences, including having a go at Country. Thus this quirkiness where alternative flirtations in where to go with their music, naturally saves the group from monotone trappings that could otherwise lurk in the shadows.

Lyric wise, St. Madness offer even more of a rollercoaster; social commentary, vampires, pornography, barbeque parties (“we’re going to invite all your friends and your family and your dog named Spot”…”you’re the main course of the meal!” – “BBQ U”), and personal losses. While the subject of death certainly has been covered by most Metal acts in one way or another, the odd vision of the Reaper’s ride of choice are dealt with in “Death Rides a Buick”.

However, the strive for variation causes the band to backfire every once in awhile, and the silliness of “70’s Porno” does not hold a candle to the ferocious “They Walk the Earth” which boils down to touching the nerve of classic Thrash in the style of Testament and Anthrax. The slower touching that builds up to crescendo settings of “The Anti-Superhero” also further suggests the serious side of St. Madness is ultimately their strength, even though the will to entertain seem genuine and sets them apart.

Even with the mixed impressions, one’s got to hand it to St. Madness; their bag includes well produced thick heaviness that does not shy of melody nor occasional great song quality, visual presentation, humor, and more entertainment value than most hard hitting acts of today. Thus, they cover most of the aspects that makes the art of Heavy Metal special in the first place.


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