• 8.5/10
    JOOP WALTERS - Out Of Order - 8.5/10


Lion Music
Release date: June 15, 2007

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Releasing his first solo instrumental release in 2003 on the Lion Music label and then following it up with another in 2004 might have provoked some into taking a serious look at Dutch guitarist Joop Wolters. Three years later, and loads of contributing projects since then, sees Joop releasing his newest and third solo instrumental in Out Of Order, also on Lion Music. This newest composition is varied in that it can be categorized as a “multi-genre instrumental release”. This unsettling “tag” is one which Joop and Lion Music have no qualms about admitting. If anything, Out Of Order should solidify any doubts that Joop is one to watch as part of the up and coming new breed of virtuoso guitarists in Europe.

The opening track, “Broke”, starts off as a mediocre Rock song but in a matter of seconds bursts into fanfare as Joop really gets the listener’s attention fast with his fancy fretwork. The thing that’ll initially grab the listener’s attention by their cojones or bollocks with this track is the energy and “bite” in Joop’s lead guitar tone. It’s difficult to explain to a casual listener but it’s the type of tone that makes one sit up in their chair and take heed. This particular tone carries over into the lead for the second track, “American Dance”, which is another great Rocker.

By track three things slow up just a bit as “Anthem” exudes a slower, melodic and moodier tempo. Joop’s lead guitar lines here should raise some suspicion that he might have listened to a few Allan Holdsworth tracks. Suspicion turns into reality as the next track “Cardiac” is pure fusion Holdsworth style, right down to the point of producing guitar synthesizer type sounds. It’s all well done and remarkably technical from a musical standpoint… it’s just that some fans might not appreciate the musical change in direction from the rowdy openers “Broke” and “American Dance”. “Dropout” is more artistic Jazz/Fusion for those who can or want to appreciate it. There is a spectacular riff, which pays homage to Al DiMeola, in “Dropout” that acts as an introduction and backing track to the great solo that accompanies it. It’s moments like these that make this release shine! Another fine example is the beginning of the track “Fried Call” in which Joop’s fuzz/compressed tone seems to pay tribute to There And Back era Jeff Beck.

The songs on Out Of Order aren’t as memorable or entertaining as say a Simone Fiorletta, but Joop’s playing more than makes up for any other deficiencies on this release. Joop’s solos are fluid and melodic with plenty of “feel” which all adds up to a very compelling listen especially when he breaks into a solo. Joop’s ability to induce timely breaks, pauses and stops in his playing will leave guitar fanatics on the edge of their seats. Joop is definitely a guitarist to watch in 2007 and beyond!

Bottom line, the varied, and at times drastic, change in genres and moods mid-album might end up segregating some listeners. There are those that’ll say, “If he had only continued with the tempo set by “Broke” and “American Dance””. Perhaps at a later date Joop might find some solace in dedicating individual releases to each genre displayed here on Out Of Order. Until then this one is definitely a recommended buy for the avid and die-hard guitar enthusiasts. Especially, those who have broader tastes and appreciate splashes of the intrinsic workings of such guitar greats as Allan Holdsworth, Al DiMeola and Jeff Beck.


Joop Wolters – Composition, Arrangements, Production, Guitar, Bass, Keyboards, Drum Programming

Guest Musicians:
Patrick Eijdems – Drums on “Heartline”
Virgil Donati – Drums on “Tied Knots”
Alex Argento, Mike Roeloefs – Keyboard Leads


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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