WALTARI – Blood Sample

WALTARI - Blood Sample


Dockyard 1
Release date: March 20, 2006

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Waltari are, in their own words, musicians with a “no-attitude attitude.” Indeed, if any pretense or musical “correctness” exists within a Rock sub-genre, Waltari will invariably expose it, stomp on it, burn it, and then bury it, with extreme prejudice. As champions of musical liberation, they defy stereotypes and take from many popular styles to create their own refreshing amalgam of Progressive Rock. Blood Sample is no less than a 17-track, 79-minute cornucopia of influences that include Punk, Power, Melodic/Speed/Death Metal, Industrial, Techno, and even Hip Hop.

While Waltari are not innovative in the strict sense of defining a new school or genre as such, their abilities nonetheless go beyond top-notch writing and performing in a variety of styles. As demonstrated throughout Blood Sample, Waltari’s innovation is the ability to think outside usual contexts, and to combine and apply familiar musical staples in new and creative ways. A single Waltari song can be a multifaceted fusion of styles with a personality unto itself.

For instance, “Helsinki” is a track that’s unquestionably Metal. It takes on a novel feel due to a verse section with an Arabian-sounding melody (sung in Finnish?) and percussion sounds typically heard in Techno. It all works together perfectly. “Never” employs heavy guitars throughout, but puts an R&B feel in the verse and a melody in the chorus that, amazingly, could easily be written off as cheesy Pop trash in any other context. “New York” is a Speed Metal trip that takes no prisoners. “Wide Awake” has a verse with European charm that leads to a heavy guitar rhythm and then a chorus from the Alan Parsons school of weird. The addition of accordion and keyboard synths makes it unusually interesting.

Waltari’s Punk roots show on the majority of the songs on Blood Sample, their ninth studio release, and are the strongest influence that combines with numerous others to produce tunes that deserve to be heard rather than read about. Moreover, Blood Sample goes to extremes not explored on Waltari’s previous release (Rare Species, 2004) and will have the greater appeal for Metal fans, particularly those who can appreciate a broad stylistic palette.

In summary, Blood Sample is a varied, yet cohesive, collection of songs by a band whose nonconforming approach, excellent musicianship, and compositional flair make for a revitalizing and entertaining experience.

Waltari are from Finland.


Kärtsy Hatakka: bass, lead vocals, keyboard
Jariot Lehtinen: guitar, vocals
Sami Yli-Sirniö: guitar, vocals
Ville Vehviläinen: drums


  • Jason Sagall

    Jason was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He was born in Illinois and currently reside in California, USA, where he works in the field of Information Technology, and is a freelance web consultant hyperacuity.net. His favorite Rock and Metal subgenres include Classic, Progressive, and Power. He is a guitar fanatic and listen to a lot of Instrumental Rock and Fusion. Jason has been playing guitar as a hobby for some 25 years.  

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