CAVALAR – As A Metal Of Fact

CAVALAR - As A Metal Of Fact


Release date: February 8, 2006

User Review
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As A Metal Of Fact is the debut release for Cavalar, a four-man band based in London, England. “Cavalar” is a Portuguese expression that means “super-charged.” With the 13-song As A Metal Of Fact, Cavalar hopes to live up to their name.

When you start listening to As A Metal Fact, you’ll be immediately reminded of another four-piece band from England that made a large impact on the musical landscape: Black Sabbath. Vocalist Twitch will bring back memories of vintage, pre-punchline Ozzy Osbourne, and guitarist Tadeu Dias has come up with a lot of Tony Iommi-worthy riffs … and just to prove how much they like Sabbath, Cavalar has recorded a cover of “Hole In The Sky” for this album.

While the comparisons between Cavalar and Black Sabbath are valid, Cavalar isn’t just a carbon-copy clone. Cavalar is more direct and to the point, where early Sabbath would sometimes wander and noodle about as the songs searched for whatever point they were trying to make. Cavalar’s songs are also more energetic and upbeat, not the sort of tunes you’d play at a Heavy Metal funeral.

Still, make no mistake about it: Cavalar is a heavy band. Nearly every song on As A Metal Of Fact has a really strong, catchy riff and a heavy groove. Dias’ riffs don’t crush you like some of Iommi’s wrecking balls could, but they come pretty close. Some songs, like “Dead Man,” “God Damned Rebel,” “Going For It!,” “Devil’s County,” and “Watch Me From The Sky” will give your air-guitar hand a very serious workout.

Dias has also come up with some pretty impressive solos as well, that while not abundant, are well-placed across the album; don’t be surprised if you need an ice-bag for your neck after listening to this CD.

Vocalist Twitch does a good job on As A Metal As Fact too, managing to sound like Ozzy but not being a ripoff of the legendary frontman. His lyrics (co-written with drummer Arnaldo Rogano, who also co-produced the album) are fairly simple and straightforward, not dwelling on social and political issues like some of Black Sabbath’s more memorable work. Cavalar doesn’t want to change the world, but they’d like to teach it to headbang. Class is now in session.

Ironically, for a band that is so heavily influenced by Sabbath, Cavalar’s Black Sabbath cover is probably the weakest song on As A Metal Of Fact. That’s not to say that the group’s cover of “Hole In The Sky” is bad (because it isn’t), but it’s kind of perfunctory. But, at least it’s not another version of “Iron Man” or “Paranoid.”

As A Metal Of Fact might be a jokey album title, but it’s one that is appropriate too. Cavalar is 100% Heavy Metal. A strong debut for these guys.


  • Gary McLean

    Gary was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based out of the small Ontario, Canada town of Sault Ste. Marie, right on the border of Michigan, USA. When it comes to Metal and Hard Rock, Gary likes quite a few different bands, from stalwarts like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest, to newer, hard-hitting groups such as Primal Fear, Hammerfall, and Paragon. Other favorites include the likes of Nightwish, Running Wild, Therion, Accept, Stratovarius, Dream Evil, Helloween, Rammstein, Dirty Looks, Crimson Glory, Tristania, and Gamma Ray. He thinks AC/DC deserves a paragraph all their own though.

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