AGE OF NEMESIS – Psychogeist

AGE OF NEMESIS - Psychogeist


Magna Carta
Release date: January 10, 2006

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

To most of us, Hungary’s Age Of Nemesis (formerly one of nine bands worldwide named “Nemesis”) might appear like a new contender in the “Progressive Power Rock” genre. Truth be told, Psychogeist represents their fifth studio effort. This is actually their second album done in English, with the other three being recorded in Hungarian. Signing to the Magna Carta label represented a major step for the band, as this gave them the perfect platform for launching their massive sound into North America. In fact, their contract includes releasing their previous unreleased English material as well as a springboard for a forthcoming all-instrumental project. Music fans should all revel in the fact that Magna Carta decided to sign this band, because they have plenty to offer Progressive music lovers.

Psychogeist is actually part concept album… tracks one through six are proclaimed to tell the “Psychogeist Story.” “Psychogeist,” by the way, appears not to be a recognized word by Webster’s Dictionary. The artwork would leave you to believe that it’s a story of drug-infused children, dark medical institutions, and the like, drawing some comparisons to Operation: Mindcrime. Unfortunately, no lyrics are included with the packaging, which would have helped the listener mentally visualize the story by following along with the music.

So what about the music? For being a bi-lingual band, vocalist Zoltán Kiss does a very commendable job with his English. His vocals are crisp, clear, and well enunciated, even though some come through slightly thin-sounding at times… he doesn’t have the power or range of a James LaBrie, for instance. For example, several times during “Grey Room,” when Kiss sings in higher octaves, he sounds vaguely familiar to Trevor Horn from Yes’ Drama album. In some spots, it would have been advantageous to hold a note a bit longer for effect. Not a show stopper by any means, as the musicianship and Production more than make up for any fastidious vocal shortcomings.

Musically, the band is pure Progressive Power! One’s first inclination is to compare them to early Dream Theater. While the concepts and foundations of both bands are similar, Age Of Nemesis, on the other hand, manages to exude their own individual sound. Their sound is replete with full and heavy guitar riffs, slamming drums, heavy bass, and prominent keyboards. Tracks are full of breaks, seamless changes (which feel natural), and nice chord progressions. Now, all of this might give you the “DTs,” but there’s something in this band’s presentation that makes them sound unique.

While the majority of the tracks are top-notch (e.g., “Fate’s Door,” “Grey Room,” and “Faceless Enemy” come to mind), the clear cut standout is the instrumental track “Goddess Nemesis” (which incidentally is the name given to their forthcoming instrumental project, T.G.N.P. – The Goddess Nemesis Project). Musically, they have a way of cramming a lot into a song while keep it lively, moving, and interesting. The band is definitely at their finest during the more up-tempo songs, the place where they deliver a more powerful, in-your-face sound, thanks in part to the exceptional Production. The keyboards also seem to play a major role in their “wall of sound.” It’s not unusual to hear a keyboard jab here and there, all up front in the mix versus taking a back seat to the guitars.

Bottom line, this is a highly recommended buy and an early candidate for the best album of 2006 in the “Power Progressive” category. After several spins, it still retains its freshness and musically is full of twists, surprises, and is full of meticulous and technically capable musicianship. At this point, the wait until the band’s next English release will be agonizing, while feeling like an eternity for their T.G.N.P. instrumental release (slated for the end of 2006). All you can do is buy and enjoy this release, visit their Web site often, and memorize their posted sound samples!


Zoltán Kiss – Vocals
Zoltán Fábián– Guitars, Acoustic Guitars
György Nagy – Keyboards
Csaba Berczelly – Bass, Acoustic Guitars
László Nagy – Drums


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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