Metal Express Radio Partners To Host Special Drum Intro Extravaganza Show

Photo collage showing three men wearing the same Metal Express Radio t-shirt and sitting behind a microphone.

Metal Express Radio is gearing up for a special edition of The Friday Guest DJ Hour Show this week. Instead of featuring a guest artist or band, the MER partners, Stig, Scott, and Kris, will take the reins to curate a unique playlist.

For this episode, the partners have selected four songs each, all featuring drum intros that they hold dear. From classic rock anthems to modern metal masterpieces, the show promises a diverse and exciting listening experience.

Show Times

  • Central Europe: 15:00 and 21:00
  • US East Coast: 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM
  • US West Coast: 6:00 AM and 12:00 PM

Don’t miss this special edition of The Friday Guest DJ Hour Show on Metal Express Radio!

Tune in to Metal Express Radio on Friday to hear this special show.


  • Kristian Singh-Nergård

    Kristian is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He is Metal Express Radio's Marketing and Communications Manager, and on occasions also reviewer and photographer. Based out of Oslo, Norway, Kristian is a bass player and owner of the independent record label Pug-Nose Records. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2006.

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