CATEGORY 7 – Category 7

category-7-album-cover art.
  • 8.6/10
    CATEGORY 7 - Category 7 - 8.6/10


Label: Metal Blade Records
Release date: July 26, 2024

User Review
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The highly anticipated album by Category 7 is finally out, and it was more than worth the wait. When drummer Jason Bittner (Overkill, Shadows Fall) got together with his friends Phil Demmel (Kerry King, ex-Overkill (live), ex-Slayer (live), ex-Testament) and Mike Orlando (Her Chariot Awaits, Mike Orlando, Sonic Universe) one night, they jokingly said “let’s make a band”. Well, the good news is, it’s no joke. They made it happen, recruiting bassist Jack Gibson (Exodus, Metal Allegiance), and the man himself; John Bush of Armored Saint to front the band.

Straight Up In Your Face Heavy Metal

“The sound of this band really comes down to the odd connection that all of us have,” adds drummer Jason Bittner. “We’ve known each other for years as friends and peers. And we’ve all looked up to each other and know that one day we’d have to work together. It’s taken almost two decades for that to happen, but lo-and-behold, once it did there was no stopping us.”

The twin guitar attack of Orlando and Demmel is powerful, reminding us of Heavy Metal from a different era, before there were 100 sub-categories for the genre. “It’s all about big verses and big songs, and it has a lot of the elements we’ve explored in our other bands,” notes guitarist and main songwriter Mike Orlando.

Having the instantly recognizable voice of John Bush puts the project over the top, John Bush talks about the track “Apple of Discord”:

“More social commentary. I marvel at how people are willing to make dumb decisions based on others. “Apple Of Discord” questions these strange solidarities. Are you really willing to go down with them? The second verse plays on the willingness to go into the Hoosegow as a result of those choices. Hardheadedness and machismo rounds out the chorus lyrics. With, of course, always a sarcastic wink and a smile.”

Final Notes

If you ever wondered what it would be like if you took some of the top Heavy Metal musicians in the world, and put them into a new band; Category 7 is your answer. The music is hard-hitting, having huge vocals by Bush, and an incredible rhythm section of Bittner and Gibson that lays the perfect foundation for the duel guitars of Orlando and Demmel. All of the tracks on the album are great, with the opener “In Stitches” leading the way. There’s a new band in town, and they’re taking it by storm: Category 7!

band photo for category 7 featuring John Bush.
Photo: Rob Shotwell


  • John Bush – vocals
  • Phil Demmel – guitar
  • Mike Orlando – guitar
  • Jack Gibson – bass
  • Jason Bittner – drums

Category 7 – Tracklist

  1. In Stitches
  2. Land I Used to Love
  3. Apple of Discord
  4. Exhausted
  5. Runaway Truck
  6. White Flags and Bayonets
  7. Mousetrap
  8. Waver at the Breaking Point
  9. Through Pink Eyes
  10. Etter Stormen

Check out the new video for “In Stiches” by Category 7 off of their debut self-titled album.


  • Bryce Van Patten

    Bryce is an audio engineer and a graphic designer here at Metal Express Radio. From the day he purchased his first album (Machine Head by Deep Purple), he has had a passion for heavy music, which has influenced his whole life. Bryce is from the great Pacific Northwest in USA, and has played in metal bands like Babylon, Holy Terror, The Wild Dogs, Warhead and Egypt through the 80s. He had his first interview for the Portland, Oregon publication The Rock Rag with guitarist Paul Gilbert in his Racer X days. Then he was honored to get to have drinks, and talk for an hour with the legendary Dan McCafferty of Nazareth for his second interview. In 2013, he spent an amazing hour talking to Andi Deris of Helloween, which was the high point of his heavy metal journalism.   In the year 2001, he formed Man in Black Music Publishing. They released recordings by several local bands, and in the spirit of the old Metal Massacre compilations, he created a 2-album series called The Defenders of Metal. The albums featured classic styled Metal bands from all around the world, with bands from Australia to England, and from Argentina to Russia. Currently, he is the producer/creator/vocalist of the Metal band The Black Tuesdays.

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