LAURA FELLA (TVINNA): “This Is What Really Fuels Us, Playing Our Music Together”

Tvianna band photo

German Progressive Rock outfit Tvinna are set to release their second album entitled Wings of Ember on February 23rd. The band’s vocalist Laura Fella took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about their upcoming album, working with Fabienne Ernie of Eluveitie on the song “Louga”, their upcoming album release shows, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: Your band, Tvinna will be releasing their second album entitled Wings of Ember on February 23rd, what can you tell fans about the upcoming release?

Fella: Wings Of Ember is our second chapter through life, diving deep into the realms and wilderness of youth, childhood linked to fire. It turned out to be the most intimate release of any of us so far, as we really had to dig deep within our own memories, inner realities and visions. I firmly believe we’ll only manage to awaken emotions within others, when being emotional ourselves – daring to be vulnerable. So this is what we really had to dedicate ourselves to with this very album. Stylistically it turned out to be more open, experimental and free, the songs follow an inner vision to boldly rise from the darkness. Though it contains traces of dark folk, the album is very much post-rock, carried by progressive, atmospheric and doomy influences.

MER: How was the writing and recording process having this being your second album with the band?

Fella: Writing the songs took us about 2.5 years – starting when our debut album was just released. The first one I wrote and pretty much finished was ‘Fortress’ and most songs were produced together by Rafael, our guitar player and my husband, and me. We’re writing in a very close and very honest cooperation, which of course can get tough sometimes, yet this brutal and strict honesty always hunts for the best version of a song, a melody, a riff. Most of the times it’s me, starting off with either a piece of a song or few elements – usually I already know, what the song will be about, I’d already have a vision. That’s when Rafi comes in and usually contributes with plenty of feedback and ideas.

We’ve recorded everything, except the drums and our guests, at our own Studio, Blacksmith Studios, here in Bavaria. Being able to do so, gave us incredible artistic freedom and the pure luxury to not having to set a timer.

MER: How was it working with Fabienne Erni of Eluveitie on the song “Louga”?

Fella: It was lovely! Fabi is such a sweetheart and an incredible singer. Obviously, as both Rafael and Alain share stage with her in Eluveitie, we all know her quite well, and after, “Louga” was our second Coop – and I’m certain it wasn’t the last one.

MER: Along with “Louga”, you’ve released a song entitled “Two Staves”, what kind of feedback have you been able to receive on the songs?

Fella: Honestly, the feedback was and is pretty much overwhelming. For us it felt kind of risky to release “Two Staves” as the second single, it being quite the opposite to “Louga” – it’s incredibly dark, even harsh and might feel quite Doom-Metal. When people really seemed to like “Louga”, it even felt more tangling how they would anticipate “Two Staves” – and like said, the feedback turned out to be so incredibly good. We got so many messages and comments saying they love this new direction and this feels incredible – as I can really say that “Two Staves” is really one of our personal favorites as well and due to its message very close to our hearts.

MER: You have some album release shows coming up in May, what are your expectations on the upcoming shows?

Fella: Just today I had a longer session creating the Setlist for those special shows, and I’m getting pretty excited by now. We’ll be playing each song of the upcoming album and hope to see and enchant as many wonderful people as possible. The venues are really beautiful and quite intimate and I’m certain we’ll spend truly special evenings together. I’m expecting an atmosphere just as our music – intimate, dark, vulnerable yet brave, soul-humbling.

MER: Is there anywhere live you hope to play that you haven’t yet and why?

Fella: All of us would simply LOVE to tour the US, but before doing that, we dream of playing some of the most iconic festivals here in Europe, like Hellfest, Midgardsplot or Roadburn Festival, and so many more.

MER: Is there anyone that you hope to tour with and why?

Fella: I would absolutely love to tour with Alcest, Chelsea Wolf, Eivør and of course Puscifer, as James Maynard Keenan has been my favorite singer ever since and I absolutely love the other mentioned artists’ art too!

MER: Germany is said to have a passionate Heavy Metal scene, how is it being a part of it?

Fella: I think the overall music scene is pretty passionate here, but of course Metal is its own universe – people really live for the music, know and listen to an incredibly diverse amount of music of different bands. Sharing this hobby with your friends, meeting at concerts, festivals etc. with the will to really support artists and experience their music is so special and essential in subculture. So, to sum it up, it’s wonderful having metal fans – their incredibly supportive and nothing more important closer to our hearts than these first, true fans.

MER: What are you mostly looking forward to in 2024?

Fella: Most excited AND anxious for that moment the album drops and people will listen and dive into this piece of our souls. Also, I’m really looking forward for that small pause when all shows are played, the album is out, promo is over and the new songwriting has just not yet begun.

MER: Since forming in 2019, what have been some of your favorite memories with the band?

Fella: In fact our first songwriting session in 2019, when both The Gore and “12” were born. Filming the videos in Iceland and certainly our first shows back in 2022, when concerts were happening again. Yet, we have such a wonderful time when only rehearsing, and this is what really fuels us, playing our music together, feeling it with every inch. For the message, not for any fame.


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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