TYGERS OF PAN TANG - Bloodlines cover art
  • 7.5/10
    TYGERS OF PAN TANG - Bloodlines - 7.5/10


Label: Mighty Music
Release date: May 5, 2023

User Review
9.5/10 (2 votes)

Over the years, Tygers of Pan Tang have been through thick and thin. They went through numerous lineup changes, commercial downfall in the mid ‘80s, a few periods of hiatus, and new record labels. However, when things got tough, guitarist Robb Weir did not give up easily, as he put together a new version of Tygers of Pan Tang in 2000. The current lineup includes Weir, drummer Craig Ellis, and vocalist Jack Meille. Joining them is guitarist Francesco Marras and Huw Holding on bass guitar.

To celebrate their re-signing with Mighty Music, Tygers of Pan Tang released an EP titled A New Heartbeat in 2022. Following the EP’s release and a massive tour to introduce the new lineup, the band headed back into the studio to record their latest studio album, Bloodlines.

A Different Beast

Keep in mind that Tygers of Pan Tang’s sound has shifted greatly since their New Wave of British Heavy Metal heydays. The rawness is gone, partially due to modern production, but the heavy riffs and piercing guitar solos are still there. Also, with Meille’s vocals, the songs are more melodic and commercial, in a sense. Regardless of the band’s changed sound, Weir has no doubt that the current lineup will give fans something to roar about.

“I feel as confident with our new lineup as I did all those years ago when Wildcat appeared on the shelves and it was given a unanimous thumbs up. Our recent live shows have demonstrated a harmony within the band and, coupled with the quality of Bloodlines, the potential to create music and perform live shows for some considerable time to come,” said Weir.

The Good and the Bad

As mentioned before, there’s definitely a commercial feel to the album, shown through tracks like “Edge of the World,” “In My Blood,” and “Taste of Love.” The latter is a ballad with pitch-perfect harmonies and melodic hooks to die for. “Fire on the Horizon” turns things up a notch with ferocious kick drumming and a killer guitar riff. Holding gets his chance to shine on the bass with tracks like “Light of Hope” and “Back for Good,” both are so groovy that it’s impossible not to head bang to them. The album closer, “Making All the Rules,” however, is a real treat because it’s a laid-back song, but also a rocker. With great lyrics and infectious melodies, it’s the perfect way to end Bloodlines.

While there are a lot of highlights on the album, there are a few downsides too. It starts off great, but slowly loses steam about halfway through the album. “Kiss the Sky” feels uninspiring and doesn’t elevate further from the verses. While “Believe” and “A New Heartbeat” suffer from concepts that have been used over and over again in songwriting, therefore suffering from the “cliché” factor.

Final Assessment

Despite the negatives, Bloodlines is an exceptional release from Tygers of Pan Tang. Old and new fans will find tracks that satisfy their heavy pleasures. Hey, if the new lineup continues to sound as good as they do on this album, Weir’s desire to stick around for a while longer just may come true sooner than later. Bloodlines will be released on May 5, 2023.

Album Tracklist

  1. Edge of the World
  2. In My Blood
  3. Fire On the Horizon
  4. Light of Hope
  5. Back for Good
  6. Taste of Love
  7. Kiss the Sky
  8. Believe
  9. A New Heartbeat
  10. Making All the Rules

Band Lineup

Robb Weir – guitars
Francesco Marras – guitars
Jack Meille – lead vocals
Huw Holding – bass guitar
Craig Ellis – drums


  • Lana Teramae

    Lana is a reviewer at Metal Express Radio from Honolulu, Hawaii. She's always had a passion for music, but she didn't get into Hard Rock and Heavy Metal music until she discovered Rick Allen's story in the summer of 2019. She was inspired by his determination to play drums for Def Leppard again after losing his left arm in a car accident. From there, her tastes expanded to other bands such as AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Judas Priest, Saxon, Cinderella, and Overkill. Aside from listening to music, she loves watching YouTube and writing on her personal blog.

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