HEATH RAVE (LOTUS THRONES): “It’s Been A Process To Get Here But Well Worth The Work And Wait”

Photo of Heath Rave from Lotus Thrones

Philly based Industrial Post-Punk band Lotus Thrones are set to release their second album entitled The Heretic Souvenir on April 7th. The brains behind Lotus Thrones Heath Rave took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the upcoming album, writing as a solo artist as opposed to writing with a band, plans for the year, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: Lotus Thrones new album entitled The Heretic Souvenir is set to be released April 7th, what can you tell fans about the upcoming release? 

Rave: This is the second full length from this project. I’m really excited to share it with everyone, it’s been a long process to get here but well worth the work and the wait.

MER: How would you compare this to Lotus Thrones previous album entitled Lovers In Wartime?

Rave: This is a much more focused and extroverted set of songs. Lovers felt very insular and secretive, it was my first time doing this and I was vulnerable and locked away. Heretic is a much more cathartic experience, and I knew exactly what I wanted going in.

MER: You’ve released two different singles from the album, what kind of feedback have you been able to receive?

Rave: The feedback has been nothing short of incredible. The reviews are coming in and I feel like the right people are hearing it and getting what I’m doing.

MER: What do you see as plans for the rest of 2023?

Rave: I have some shows planned as well finishing up my 3rd record, some EPs and an ambient project I’ve been working on. More sounds and sights!

MER: How would you compare Lotus Thrones to previous bands that you’ve worked with?

Rave: While I don’t feel it’s too far adjacent from my previous works with Wolvhammer and Across Tundras as far as heaviness this is me getting to explore my favorite sounds.

MER: How is it writing and recording as a solo artist as opposed to with a band?

Rave: It’s incredibly freeing to work on things when I have the time and inspiration without having to run things by others in a hierarchy and if I do wish to collaborate there a tons of friends out there I can work with. Sometimes I miss the band aspect, but that’s a lot of time and a luxury I just don’t have.

MER: Who would you hope to tour with and why?

Rave: Killing Joke and Ministry. Two of my favorites and I feel like the audiences would understand what I’m creating.

MER: Is there anywhere in particular that’s your favorite to play live and why?

Rave: I love Kung Fu Necktie in Philadelphia. It’s small and sounds great.

MER: What are your hopes for Lotus Thrones future?

Rave: More show opportunities on some bigger bills and hopefully some festivals.

MER: For anyone that’s unfamiliar with Lotus Thrones, how would you describe the band’s sound?

Rave: I heavier version of Post-Punk and Industrial for the children.


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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