SYD SCARLET & TIFFANY STRÖM (FVNERALS): “This Album Marks A Departure From The Fragility Of Our Previous Albums”

German Doom Metal band Fvnerals will be releasing their third studio album entitled Let The Earth Be Silent on February 3rd. Fvneral’s guitarist Syd Scarlet and bassist/vocalist Tiffany Ström took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about their upcoming album, the evolution within the band, the music scene in Germany, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: Fvnerals third full length album entitled Let The Earth Be Silent is set to be released on February 3rd, what can you tell fans about the upcoming album?

Ström & Scarlet: The album is a pessimist reflection on the human condition, it explores feelings of isolation, depression, and misanthropy. It is inspired by philosophical themes such as pessimism, existentialism, nihilism, and antinatalism. While the essence of our previous releases is still present in our music, this album marks a departure from the fragility of our previous albums towards a darker and heavier sound in general.

MER: How was the writing and recording process having this being the band’s third album?

Ström & Scarlet: We started to write the follow up to Wounds around 2018-19 and had completed multiple songs but decided to disregard them all and to not release them as we found these to be too similar in sound and style. In 2020, Syd started writing for another band with a very different vibe in mind, so for a while we mostly focused on this but then the pandemic blocked everything and the shows we had lined-up. It took a while until we decided to write new songs for Fvnerals again. We eventually started demoing new Fvnerals tracks late 2020 and recorded the album pre-productions at home and had them finalised around March. We decided to record the album with Tim de Gieter at Much Luv Studio in Belgium and went in the studio around June/July. We had the finished album mixed and mastered by September 2021.

MER: How would you compare Let The Earth Be Silent to the band’s previous two albums?

Ström & Scarlet: We think Let the Earth Be Silent is somewhat darker and goes further than our previous albums, both in sound and in the themes reflected in our music. We evolved towards less song-like structures and allowed ourselves more intricate layering of melodies and instrumentation. The vocals have a more experimental approach and complement the songs without necessarily having them as the central element. We worked a lot on trying to get the music to carry certain feelings and atmospheres without worrying if it was pretty or not.

MER: The band recently released the song “For Horror Eats The Light” what kind of feedback have you received so far?

Ström & Scarlet: It has been very nice to get messages from fans and friends. It is always very heartwarming and we appreciate those that can connect with what we do.

MER: Do you think “For Horror Eats The Light” gives fans a good idea on what to expect from the full album?

Ström & Scarlet: Yes, we think the overall feel of the track is pretty revealing when it comes to the sound of this album, it includes multiple elements you will find throughout.

MER: What do you see as far as plans for the band after the album release?

Ström & Scarlet: We waited so long for our album to be released that we just want to play shows and perform our songs live now. The release process has been so excruciating that we really hope we can finally move on and be able to play our music live and travel. We can only hope we are not too late for the 2023 booking season and that we will be able to take the album on the road in a not too distant future.

MER: Who do you hope to tour with and why?

Ström & Scarlet:
Bands like Leechfeast, Big Brave, Anna Von Hausswolff, King Woman, are all artists we would love to share the stage with both for their artistic vision and sound. We had a great time touring with Emma Ruth Rundle in the past and this is something we would definitely love to do again if we ever get the opportunity. Our friends from Wren with whom we toured before and Tiffany collaborated on a track a couple years ago would also be high on that list.

MER: What have been some of your favorite releases of 2022?

Ström & Scarlet: Chalk Hands – Don’t think about Death, Sophie Jamieson – Choosing, Blind Girls – The Weight of everything, Deaf Club – Productive Disruption, Jessica Moss – Galaxy Heart.

MER: How would you describe the Metal scene in Germany?

Ström & Scarlet: As you can see from our favorite releases this year, we do not really listen to Metal so we rarely, if ever, go to Metal shows. But Germany is known to have a really active Metal scene with lots of bands and big festivals. I think the alternative and underground music scene in general has a lot to offer here and is very diverse.

MER: Out of the band’s three albums, what is one you would suggest to a new fan and why?

Ström & Scarlet: We would always suggest listening to the latest album available, just because it reflects better on how the band currently sounds like and what we are going for. Once we release a new album, we rarely ever play our previous songs live again with the exception of one or two tracks sometimes, so it’s definitely more representative to look at the present release.


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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