• 8.4/10
    SCATTERED STORM - In This Dying Sun - 8.4/10


Label: Blood Blast Distribution powered by Nuclear Blast
Release date: November 11, 2022

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Texas Metal band Scattered Storm is back on the scene with its second EP In This Dying Sun. In This Dying Sun will be released on November 11, 2022, via Blood Blast Distribution (powered by Nuclear Blast). The five-song EP has a runtime of 21 minutes and is the follow-up to their debut EP Oblivion (2021). The lineup for In This Dying Sun is Andre Accosta (vocals), Brian Fausnaugh (bass), Kevin Armstrong (guitar), and Jay Arriaga (drums). Kevin Armstrong and Jay Arriage both have the credits for writing and producing In This Dying Sun.

Scattered Storm Bio

Scattered Storm hails from El Paso, Texas, and was formed two years ago as a collaboration between Jay Arriaga (No Life on Earth & Years of Cold) and Kevin Armstrong (Mondoshawan & Section 6). Original bassist Eddie Garcia was replaced by Brian Fausnaugh (Random Allusion & Limerance) and vocalist Andre Accosta (Pissing Razors, Hereafter The Wave, & currently fronting the band No Life ON Earth) joined Scattered Storm. Scattered Storm’s sound can be described as dark, futuristic, and heavy.

Scattered Storm band photo.

In The Dying Sun

Compared to Oblivion, In The Dying Sun takes a darker and more progressive sound. “Bloody Love” opens with dark eery keys crescendoing to a chunky Industrial beat and gruff vocals by Accosta. The tempo takes a progressive change to include clean vocals and guitars. The keyboards give a darkly atmospheric ambiance towards the end of the song. Scattered Storm incorporates elements and textures into the music that will sound familiar to fans of Gojira, Fear Factory, or Meshuggah. Each song on In This Dying Sun has its own identity and sound. “Hollow” slows the tempo with Accosta showing his vocal range delivering a performance that is clean yet with solemn emotion. “In This Dying Sun” takes a faster and heavier approach very reminiscent of Fear Factory.

Lyrically Scattered Storm sings about dark subjects. “Bloody Love” is about succumbing to toxic relationships and feeling the culmination of the torture similar to an addict that can’t break free from drugs. “The Process” is about how we as humans are so deep into our systematic processes of daily life that we slave into the future with no sense of self. Ultimately setting the process on fire to break free. “In This Dying Sun” is about a dying planet and/or a dying galaxy dealing with the consequences of man’s actions.

Final Thoughts

Scattered Storm’s second offering delivers an eclectic mix blending various elements of Heavy Metal and Prog. Andre Accosta delivers a very good vocal performance with a multitude of ranges and dynamics to fit the mood of each song. Kevin Armstrong’s guitar style builds a foundation that is well-balanced with the bass and drums. The band is tight with the tempo changes and does a very nice job with the keys, adding an atmospheric and dark ambiance feeling to the songs.


  1. Bloody Love
  2. The Process
  3. Hollow
  4. In This Dying Sun
  5. Seen

Album Lineup

Jay Arriaga – Drums, Samples, Keyboards
Kevin Armstrong – Guitar
Brian Fausnaugh – Bass
Andre Accosta – Vocals


  • Mark Zagotti

    Mark is a reviewer for Metal Express Radio since 2022. He first discovered the power of Hard Rock in 1985 as a teen when he first listened to Twisted Sister's cassette Stay Hungry. In his teen years, Mark was introduced to bands such as Kiss, Metallica, and enjoying the time that Rock and Metal ruled MTV. His first Heavy Metal concert was Clash of the Titans in 1991, where he experienced the site of a SLAYER mosh pit for the first time. Ever since that moment he has been a METAL HEAD for life. Mark's musical tastes have expanded over the years enjoying music from bands ranging from Ghost, Amorphis, Paradise Lost, the Big 4, Behemoth, and just about everything in between.    

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