L.G. (ELLENDE): “Many Critics Are Considering It The Best ELLENDE Record Ever”

Ellende band photo

Austrian Black Metal outfit Ellende have recently released their fourth studio album entitled Ellenbogengesellschaft. The band’s frontman L.G. took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the band’s new album, the music scene in Austria, hopes to play in the U.S., and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: The bands fourth full length album entitled Ellenbogengesellschaft was released September 30th, what can you tell fans about the new album?

L.G.: Enjoy.

MER: How was the writing and recording process having this being the bands fourth album?

L.G.: Those two and a half years has been the longest songwriting period until now. I have incorporated many new elements and re-invented the approach but stayed true to what Ellende has always been about. As I was listening to the mix from Klangschmiede Studio E the first time, I was “in love on first listen” with the production. An outburst of suppressed energy after all what’s going on in the world.

MER: The band has released three different singles from the album, what kind of feedback have you been able to get?

L.G.: Feedback has been amazing. Many critiques are considering it the best Ellende record ever and as usual, a few people hate on everything I do anyway. The truth is, it’s flattering to me either way, but in the end it’s not that important.

MER: Do you feel like those three songs give fans a good idea on what to expect from the full album?

L.G.: The album is very versatile, and I’ve worked too long on it to judge what would be good to put out in which order. I also seek advice from band members and AOP Records in those cases, but I think we chose the right tunes for an overall impression of what to expect. I was also mind-blown by the music video of “Abschied” together with Mbience Visuals and Oliver König when I first saw it.

MER: What do you see as plans for the band after the album release?

L.G.: Same plan as before, keep going with full force.

MER: How would you describe the Metal scene in Austria?

L.G.: It’s always interesting for me to see, that there seems to be some kind of hidden “scene” within Austria. Most people ordering stuff directly from the band or come to gigs are people I have never heard of before and that’s awesome. Most locals screaming “support the underground” the loudest, never supported Ellende in any way in those 10 years and decided to be envious instead, so that’s just how it is and that’s fine to me.

MER: Where are you looking forward to playing live the most that you haven’t yet and why?

L.G.: I would love to play in the US at some point, it seems there are lots of fans over there supporting us for quite a while now. We also played in London last weekend and it was perfectly organized and an amazing experience for us.

MER: What have been some of your favorite releases of 2022?

L.G.: To be honest, as I’ve been so busy with stuff, I’ve been quite behind with discovering new music, but there are some releases of AOP Records coming out I know for sure are worth to check out! New Firtan record for example.

MER: How would you describe the band’s sound to a new fan?

L.G.: Devastation, hate, beauty and hope.

MER: Out of four albums, what is one from the band you would suggest to a new fan and why?

L.G.: Albums I put out are products of a certain periods of my life. I don’t rank them and wouldn’t release what I’m not happy with in the first place, so… Listen to all of them and don’t forget the EPs, haha.


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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