TAYLOR NORDBERG (INHUMAN CONDITION, DEICIDE): “To Make A Song People Will Remember Is Something We Strive Hard For”

Inhuman Condition band photo
Photo: Deidra Kling

Florida Death Metal pioneers Inhuman Condition have just released their second full length album entitled Fearsick. The band’s guitarist Taylor Nordberg (who is also in Deicide) took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the band’s brand new album, doing double duty on the band’s upcoming tour with Deicide, his big four of Death Metal, and more. Check out the chat below!

Metal Express Radio: The band’s second full length album entitled Fearsick is set to be released on July 15th, what can you tell fans about the upcoming album?

Nordberg: If you heard our first album Rat°God and enjoyed it, chances are (and hopefully) you’ll enjoy Fearsick! Half of the record was written at the same time as the Rat°God songs (which was originally supposed to be the new Massacre album), so it has a similar vibe, but I think Fearsick is a bit more exploratory in it’s soundscape.

MER: How was the writing and recording process having this being the band’s second album?

Nordberg: Like I said 5 of the songs were already written and recorded, so we just kind of updated a few of the tracks and added some things here and there, maybe changed a lyric or two, but those tunes were pretty much ready to rip. After our first tour in September of last year we were all amped up and decided to crank out the other 4 songs for the album. It was pretty spontaneous, and Jeramie and I hashed out the songs really quickly. It was a very smooth process!

MER: The band recently released the single “Caustic Vomit Reveries,” what kind of feedback have you been able to receive so far?

Nordberg: People have been going crazy on these songs so far! It’s so awesome and humbling. A lot of folks liked the first two singles but people have really been into “I’m Now The Monster” and “Caustic Vomit Reveries”.

MER: How would you compare “Caustic Vomit Reveries” to the other three singles released from the album?

Nordberg: “Recycled Hate” is kind of a good middle-ground for the album. It has fast stuff, it has push-mosh riffs, it’s got d-beats and double bass and a wacky solo. “The Mold Testament” is a bit more mid-tempo overall, and “I’m Now The Monster” is probably the catchiest song on the album, so I think people really gravitated towards that one. The response to “Caustic” has been great, though! The riffs are super straight-foward and pretty accessible, and of course Jeramie has big fat hooks in the choruses, and I think that helps it become even more catchy.

MER: What do you see as far as plans for the band after the release of the album?

Nordberg: We will be heading on tour next month with Deicide and Kataklysm, and who knows after that! Our schedules are very difficult to line up, so we’ll do our best to get some shows in!

MER: For anyone that is unfamiliar with the band but is familiar with the members previous projects, how would you describe the similarities and differences to the band?

Nordberg: For those that know Venom Inc, Deicide, and Obituary, I guess you could say it’s a pretty good mix of those (unintentionally), haha! When we wrote these albums we were going to that sweet spot in extreme metal where thrash was just becoming death metal, so there are no blast beats or anything like that, but there is plenty of brutality. We try to write songs that are catchy. I think that’s super important. Writing good riffs and cool drum beats is one thing, but to make a song that people remember is something that we strive really hard for.

MER: What are your expectations on the band’s upcoming shows with Deicide?

Nordberg: That tour is going to be a ripper! I am especially excited because I’ll be doing double-duty with IC and Deicide! I think it’s going to be such a good time because all the bands already know each other and have a good relationship, and we are all bringing our A-game. We haven’t played out west yet, so we are excited to play to all sorts of new audiences!

MER: Who do you hope to tour with that you haven’t yet and why?

Nordberg: I say this in almost every interview, but METALLICA! I mean they are arguably the biggest Rock band of all time, in some regards. I have been a fan since I was like 8 years old, and I will continue to be a fan until I die. There is a reason they are where they are at, and I think they are one of the smartest bands in how they operate, especially in the last 5 years or so. That’s of course a big dream, but I always say I want to tour with Exodus too! One of my favorite bands and I think IC would be great on a tour with those guys. Doing a tour with Hatebreed or something would rule too, because I think the Hardcore audiences would appreciate our music.

MER: We are about halfway through the year, what are some of your favorite releases of 2022 so far?

Nordberg: Oh man, there have been some good ones! The new Porcupine Tree album! It’s so incredible. I have been into the new Decapitated album as well, it’s totally savage and relentless. The new Meshuggah was rad, the new Municipal Waste album was a fun one, our buddies in Church Of Disgust just put out a pretty sweet album too. Lots of albums coming up this year too!

MER: What are your hopes for the band’s future?

Nordberg: We’ll try to squeeze in more dates and shows in between the schedules of Deicide, Obituary, and Venom Inc, and hopefully the stars will align and we get to do some more gigs, and maybe travel overseas or down to South America or something. We probably won’t start new music until next year but I already have a bunch of riffs, so who knows, anything could happen, haha.

MER: If you could create a big four of Death Metal, who would it be and why?

Nordberg: Death, Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, and Deicide (I suppose I’m a little biased there…). Morbid Angel as an honorable mention for sure! There is a reason those bands lasted as long as they have, and have had the impact they have had. Great songs, great records, cool productions, and most of which were self-managed or self-operated. I respect that, since IC is all self-run, top to bottom. I think those are the most memorable of the Death Metal bands from that era as well. More honorable mentions would be Suffocation, Gorguts, Malevolent Creation. There’s the whole Swedish scene that is just amazing too, but for all intents and purposes we’ll stick with Florida/USA bands.


  • Matt Zaniboni

    Matthew is an interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He started his passion for music journalism back in his college radio days serving as the Heavy Metal Director at WKKL out of Hyannis Massachusetts. During Matt’s tenure in radio, he has had time working for commercial stations in Boston Massachusetts such as WAAF, WZLX AND 98.5 The Sports Hub before landing with Metal Express Radio. Anytime you want to talk heavy Metal, hockey, Guiness, and dad life, Matt is your guy m/

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