Up-and-coming Post-Hardcore band Limbs are set to release their upcoming EP entitled Coma Year on June 24th. Limbs’ vocalist Austin McAuley took the time to talk with Metal Express Radio about the band’s upcoming EP, their latest single “Spirit Breaker,” plans after the release of their EP, and more. Check out the chat below!
Metal Express Radio: The band’s new EP entitled Coma Year is set to be released on June 24th, what can you tell fans about the upcoming release?
McAuley: Coma Year will be our most honest, heartfelt and diverse release to date. These songs mean everything to us. My greatest fears and burdens live within these tracks. No longer a part of my present self, but serving as a reminder of what I’ve overcome.
MER: How would you compare Coma Year to the band’s previous EP, Only The Lonely Know?
McAuley: This next release feels like a natural progression from OTLK, but shows growth and intensity beyond the previous material. The previous EP showed a shift in the dynamic of the band, being able to stay true to what we wanted to create. Coma Year is that exact mindset but magnified 100x and shows that we’ve really come into our own as musicians.
MER: The band recently released the song “Spirit Breaker.” What kind of feedback have you been able to receive?
McAuley: The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. The subject matter, as well as the song itself, is our heaviest to date and I was really stoked to drop that one first. I’m also so grateful for those who have reached out to me, letting me know that this song resonated with them on a deep level and that it helped them through a dark time in their lives.
MER: Do you feel like “Spirit Breaker” is a good introduction to the upcoming EP?
McAuley: Absolutely. I feel like it sets the mood for the rest of the release. These songs are vulnerable, honest and extremely telling of the personal struggles I’ve dealt with over the last few years.
MER: What plans does the band have following the release of the EP?
McAuley: We plan to keep writing and hopefully spend the rest of 2022 on the road playing shows!
MER: Who do you hope to tour with that you haven’t yet and why? (Headline or support)
McAuley: I’d love to tour with Silent Planet and/or Fit For A King because 1) They absolutely rip! 2) duh, they’re awesome
MER: For anyone unfamiliar with the band, what album do you think is a good introduction to a new fan?
McAuley: I’d say go listen to all of our previous EP Only The Lonely Know. It’s a good warmup for when Coma Year drops.
MER: We’re nearly halfway into 2022, have there been any new releases that have caught your attention?
McAuley: I can’t stop listening to the Pure Like Porcelain EP by Like Moths To Flames. Love those boys and every track on that release is an absolute ripper.
MER: What are your hopes for the band’s future?
McAuley: I’d love to spend the rest of this year touring and writing new material. But in the future, I’d love to play somewhere overseas, maybe Japan or Australia!
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