A New Battle Has Emerged
Frontiers Music’s first and most legendary pairing of Heavy Metal/Melodic Rock vocalists was when Symphony X frontman Russell Allen teamed up with Ex-Masterplan vocalist Jorn Lande for 2005’s The Battle. The duo went on to release three more album’s together before calling it a day (for now). It certainly wasn’t the last time that Frontiers paired up top-notch singers from their eclectic roster, but truth be told, not all of them were winners. If you’ve been there since Frontiers began like I have, then you know that Allen/Lande The Battle is the benchmark.
Smackbound vocalist Netta Laurenne and Battle Beast vocalist Noora Louhimo are the latest pairing on the Frontiers Music label, and their debut album The Reckoning [review] not only stands side-by-side with The Battle, it may even best it. Laurenne/Louhimo are vocal powerhouses with a collection of songs that will please Heavy Metal fans, Melodic Rock fans, and everyone in between. I had the chance to speak with Netta Laurenne shortly after the album’s release.
Highlights Include
Discussion of the Laurenne/Louhimo album The Reckoning
- Was this paring suggested by the record label
- Was their any “red tape” in two artist from different labels working with each other
- Were Netta & Noora longtime friends prior to their pairing
- How to obtain the special vinyl editions of The Reckoning
- How Netta is keeping busy with touring options limited
- Is there a new Smackbound record on the horizon
- … and much, much more!
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