• 6.6/10
    ROUGH CUTT - 3 - 6.6/10


The DDR Music Group
Release date: June 8, 2021

[spoiler title=’Metal Express Radio – Ratings Scale’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]

10.0:         Cannot be improved! Perfect, instant classic! Essential in any record collection.
9.5 – 9.9:  Fantastic, spectacular and outstanding!
9.0 – 9.4:  Amazing release! It just lacks that little extra spice to make it perfect.
8.5 – 8.9:  Exceptional release! Will likely rank among top ten albums of the year.
8.0 – 8.4:  Great release! It has many different qualities.
7.5 – 7.9:  Above average! It is an enjoyable release.
7.0 – 7.4:  It is not brilliant, but has many strong points.
6.0 – 6.9:  It has its moments, but is not that strong.
5.0 – 5.9:  Slightly above average, does not stand out. Good outweighs bad by just a little.
4.0 – 4.9:  Just below average, bad outweighs good by just a little.
3.0 – 3.9:  Mediocre. There might be a song or a performance that is enjoyable, but that is it.
2.0 – 2.9:  Very weak! There might be a light at the end of the tunnel, too many flaws.
1.0 – 1.9:  This release gives the word “terrible” new meaning.
0.1 – 0.9:  Awful! Avoid at all cost. There is nothing good to say about this release.


User Review
1.75/10 (2 votes)

The Backstory

Paul Shortino, Amir Derakh and Matt Thorne have reunited to deliver Rough Cutt’s first studio album since 1986’s Wants You! 3 contains seven new songs and three “hard to find” tracks. It features Quiet Riot alum Carlos Cavazo soloing on three of the new songs. The band makes in clear in their press release for the album that they are the real Rough Cutt. This is notable because Dave Alford and Chris Hager are also performing under the name Rough Cutt, plus they also get some writing credits on this album.

The Album

Paul Shortino’s smoky and weathered vocals are instantly recognizable on the album’s opener “Dive.” Musically the track doesn’t over play things; simple bass line, straight-forward drum beat, simple riffage. “Bleed” professes the band’s dedication to doing what they do to entertain their fans. “Bed of Black Roses” is a slow bluesy number with a multi-layered melodic chorus.

Amir Derakh’s guitar work on “Don’t Say a Word” has a little Middle-Eastern flair to it that adds great texture to the mid-tempo rocker. An infectious guitar riff dominates “Secrets.” “Prowler” is lead by the thumping bass of Matt Thorne. The track is dark and gritty, and is enhanced with some Prog Rock elements. Shortino really flexes his vocal muscles here. The album closes out with the ballad “Chasing Dreams.”

The Verdict

Rough Cutt 3 is a good album. Shortino is in great voice and the band is tight. However, 3 is not an exciting album. The songs never break mid-tempo and there’s not a lot of energy. Don’t confuse energy with emotion, because Rough Cutt does deliver that. 3 seems a bit rushed, but will still please die-hard fans.


  1. Dive
  2. Bleed
  3. Bed of Black Roses
  4. Don’t Say a Word
  5. Electric
  6. Secrets
  7. House of Pain
  8. Prowler
  9. Peyote
  10. Chasing Dreams

Rough Cutt is

Paul Shortino – Vocals
Amir Derakh – Guitars
Matt Thorne – Bass


  • George Dionne

    George was a contributor here at Metal Express Radio, reviewing albums and conducting interviews, out of Massachusetts, USA. George has contributed to numerous music related websites and blogs, and even managed his own from 2004-2009. George's first assignment was covering a live show by the mighty GWAR. By contrast his later assignments featured Judas Priest, Van Halen, and Bon Jovi. George was also the front man for the South Eastern Massachusetts cover band Sound Tower from 2009-2015.  Sound Tower played 300+ shows across MA and had two original songs on the Cape Cod radio station PIXY 103. George enjoys a good whiskey, scotch, and/or bourbon and fights crime in his spare time.

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