On Halloween night 2020, playing songs from their 1986 demo The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny and covers which included, Slayer’s “Hell Awaits” , S.O.D.’s “Habla Español O Muere” , Corrosion of Conformity’s “Loss For Words” and Circle Jerks’ “World Up My Ass”, it was clear that Mr. Bungle was back.
Founding members Mike Patton, Trey Spruance, and Trevor Dunn, along with drummer Dave Lombardo and Scott Ian, gave a performance that was incredible (setlist below). It was a little strange watching a livestream concert rather than attending in person, but many times I found myself wanting to get up and start a 1 man mosh pit in my living room.
The show opened with the Mr. Rogers theme “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” before exploding in to “Anarchy Up Your Anus”, followed up with “Raping Your Mind” and “Bungle Grind”. Kudos to the crew, the sound was amazing. In your face thrash metal is how I would describe this show. Without a whole lot of time to rehearse together, the group was solid and timing spot on.
The show continued with performances of “Eracist”, “Glutton for Punishment”, “Spreading The Thighs of Death”, “Sudden Death” and ending the night’s festivities with a superb cover of “Loss of Control” (Van Halen). As most music today may satisfy a little bit of your thrash metal craving, this has it ALL.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor (Mr. Rogers theme)
Anarchy Up Your Anus
Raping Your Mind
Bungle Grind
Methematics/Hell Awaits (Slayer cover)/Summer Breeze (Seals & Crofts cover)
World Up My Ass (Circle Jerks cover)
Glutton for Punishment
Hypocrites/Habla Español O Muere (S.O.D. cover)
Spreading The Thighs of Death/ Loss for Words (COC cover)
Sudden Death
Loss of Control (Van Halen cover)
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