VEIL OF DECEPTION – Dissident Voices

VEIL OF DECEPTION - Dissident Voices
  • 9/10
    VEIL OF DECEPTION - Dissident Voices - 9/10


Label: No Life Til Metal
Release date: May 31, 2019

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

An interesting amalgam of heavy rock, stoner sounds and groove metal, Veil of Deception’s willingness to employ different textures brings a dynamic intelligence to their work. On this, their third album, they’ve put together a series of sinewy, angular tunes that linger insistently in the mind once the last notes have faded away.

Opener “Tragedy Brings Clarity” marks out their territory from the off. It’s a thumping effort that draws deeply from metallic wells of unease to create a rich, dark portent of songs to come; and while it may owe at least a passing nod to Slayer, there’s no sense that this band’s creativity is choked by referencing distant forefathers.

By the time “Crooked Lines” hits, there’s a distinct feeling that this is a group of musicians who are comfortable with their ability to pump out jagged riffs and exotic scales. Chris Schober’s drumming really excels on this track, his “loose but tight” delivery providing swing without sacrificing precision. Elsewhere, those who favour exploring the more outré aspects of modern metal will find themselves well-catered for by the inclusion of piano on “End Coming to an End.” Its sombre waves build slowly from the start before Dejan Jorgovanovic’s searing guitar provides the track with a beautifully executed sense of release.

For most bands, an occasional dalliance with exotic instrumentation might well be enough, but Veil of Deception’s commitment to stirring the pot of influence is admirable. Indeed, the pretty instrumental that bookends this collection (“Memories in the Attic”) brings a welcome piano (literally) to the rest of album’s undoubted forte. In doing so it never sounds like a grudging concession to the mainstream, but rather a natural extension of burgeoning musical horizons.

Given the ambient heaviness, it would be remiss not to mention the efforts of vocalist, Daniel Gallar. His high-pitched vocals may, at first listen, seem to be an exercise in deliberate imitation, but repeated plays leave vague comparisons to Jon Anderson or Geddy Lee behind. In fact, the timbre and register of his voice are far more suited to firing cutting streams of anguished lyrics than either of those legends of prog rock – something that he ably demonstrates on tracks such as the head-twisting “Bonds of Disaffection.”

If Dissident Voices is anything to go by, Austrian metal is experiencing something of a belle epoque. And even if talk of a nascent golden age proves premature, the ambition required to collide the finest metal traditions with the gravelly end of art-rock make this is a collection that’s well worth listening to.

Dissident Voices was released on the 31st of May on No Life Til Metal records.


  • Dan Whittle

    Daniel was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He's been a music fan since his mother introduced him to the piano at the age of 5. That she introduced him is no real guide to whether he could play it, "as anyone who had the misfortune to hear my hamfisted plonking would readily testify," says Dan. Abandoning his nascent career as a pianist, he turned, instead, to listening to as many albums as he could lay his hands on. The first, halting steps, were of the novelty record variety; but gradually he found his niche. After a brief, abortive flirtation with indie, he heard Clutching at Straws by Marillion and that was it. These days his tastes are on the catholic side, but whiling away a few hours listening to ambitious guitar music (especially of the progressive variety) is still amongst his favorite activities.   Oh, and if anyone's wondering, he did learn the piano and the guitar in the end...

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