- TANK - Re-Ignition - 7.4/107.4/10
Label: DeadLine Music
Release date: April 26, 2019
User Review
( vote)There are countless bands the term “New Wave of British Heavy Metal” could bring to one’s mind. The list normally starts with Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Saxon or Def Leppard, but there have been many more bands that were no less impressive creative output than the listed ones and yet never rose to fully global fame. Tank certainly does belong to those groups. Formed in 1980, the band went through multiple line-up changes and a split-up in 1989, to reform in 1997. In 2008, the original singer and bassist Algy Ward was replaced by the former Rainbow frontman Doogie White. There have been two Tanks since: Algy Ward’s Tank and Mick Tucker/Cliff Evans Tank. The latter recently released a new album that is a re-recording of elevens songs from the band’s first four albums. As much as some orthodox Tank fans may not be all fussed about the new release, one thing can be said for sure: anyone who has not heard much Tank before will very likely become converted after listening to this one. Here is Tucker/Evans’s Tank with Re-Ignition.
The album certainly does hold the candle to the NWOBHM giants. This is just “2 Minutes To Midnight” by Iron Maiden, one could think when hearing “Walking Barefoot Over Glass,” which is the opening composition. Well yes, these two do sound alike. But when the album Power of the Hunter was released back in 1982, Clive Burr was still the Iron Maiden drummer and Powerslave which features the aforementioned song was two years away from seeing the daylight. Also the the 7th track titled “W.M.L.A. (Wasting My Life Away)” sounds much like another Metal band – Savatage, especially some songs from Hall Of The Mountain King. But again, the song by Tank was released a couple of years before the legendary album by the the New York Metal band came out.
Despite sounding much like other NWOBHM bands, Tank do have their own style. Their music may be a bit less heavy than typical 1980s English Heavy Metal, but what it has to offer is the hard rock groove one could get lost in instantly. “Just Like Something From Hell,” the third composition on the album, is one of the best examples: dynamic and powerful rhythm guitar Glenn Tipton and K.K. Downing would not have been ashamed of if it had their name on it, amazing solos and solid drums. Very much like a mix of Judas Priest and Rainbow, although some of the rhythm parts could make one think of even such songs as “Detroit Rock City” by KISS. No excessive technical skills, just pure heavy metal that also has some melody to it. “This Means War” is another song most Heavy Metal fans should get carried away with. Although those who like their music complex and sophisticated may find the drums too Punk Rock like, there is no need for anyone like Mike Portnoy behind the drum kit here. Less is more.
Re-Ignition also features two guest appearances: Dani Filth of Cradle of Filth on “Shellshock” and Tom Angelripper of Sodom on “Power of the Hunter.” Both singers did an amazing job, especially the former, considering how much the music by Cradle of Filth differs from the classic Heavy Metal.
As much as re-recording albums is not something everyone approves of, it certainly was a good idea to make this one – because, like said before, it really can increase the number of people who identify themselves as Tankheads. Hopefully this can be seen as a rebirth: a band that was really successful in the 1980s and then went on to lose most of its splendour can still remind the world of their music. People who dig Heavy Metal and are not familiar with Tank – this should be the target audience for Re-Ignition.
What a set of fuckin wankers ffs they cant even get the lyrics right Tom from Sodom should be ashamed of doing this lets face it Rank without Algy is like Lemmy without Motorhead and Tucker and Evans must know this
Yes, the review is good. But as a TANK-fan I can’t listen to that album. Dani Filth? Really? The version is T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E. No, this one may be okay for people who do not know TANK, but for people who do, it is best to be avoided
Why and how is this a good introduction to tank? This is Evans and tucker just ruining algys work. We don’t need a shit recorded version of classic tank when the internet (youtube?) has All Of tank on it. As far as I’m concerned this is two asshole cashing in on songs they had nothing to do with and don’t even have writing credit on. (specifically talking about anything from the first two albums)
Get a grip Evans and tucker you’re nothing without algy and you never have been anything without him. Which part of fuck off don’t you understand.
Wow this is a really well written review. One of the best I’ve read, this guy really knows his stuff. Great album too.