SIN THETA – Sin Theta

SIN THETA - Sin Theta
  • 9/10
    SIN THETA - Sin Theta - 9/10


Release date: March 30, 2019

User Review
9/10 (1 vote)

Sin Theta’s eponymous debut EP delivers, in a big way, on the promise shown in the release of their “No Allegiance” demo, displaying as it does a wealth and breadth of metallic styles, often within a single song. After a short evocative intro, Sin Theta shows their full command of Metal idioms by hitting hard with “Thy Bloody Kingdom, Thy Bloody Deeds”, a song which ranges from Traditional Metal to Thrash with some Stoner thrown in, and yet still manages some surprises (that beautiful haunting vocal in the final third).

The song clocks in at just under nine minutes, and with the aforementioned “No Allegiance” at eight and the ep’s shredding closer “Nefarious” at seven and a half, Sin Theta establish themselves as masters of the mini-epic, with intricate, ever-flowing song structures that fascinate at every turn. There’s so much variety in each individual song that if you listen repeatedly—which you unquestioningly will do—the songs continue to reveal nuances in tone, speed, and emotion. They somehow sound like new songs with each listen, an effect achieved only by a band able to combine technical excellence, raw emotion, and superior songwriting.

Excepting the intro and the quiet guitar instrumental “The Everflowing Tide”, the first single “Obsolescence” is the shortest song at five and a half minutes of straightforward Metal glory. The EP closes with “Nefarious”, the hardest and thrashiest tune of a wholly satisfying thirty-minute set.

A self-produced release, Sin Theta can be purchased directly from the band via their Facebook page, a great way to get a stand out release and support a band with limitless potential.


  • Daniel Waters

    Daniel was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio. Iron Maiden’s Piece Of Mind wasn’t the first Metal album he owned, but it was the one that lifted the lid off his soul when he received the record as a gift on his 15th birthday. He's been a Metal fan ever since. He's probably best known as the author of various Young Adult novels such as the Generation Dead series and the ghost story Break My Heart 1,000 Times, now also a major motion picture entitled I Still See You, starring Bella Thorne. Writing and music, especially Heavy Metal music, has always been inextricably linked in his mind and career. His first paid gig doing any type of writing was for Cemetery Dance, where he wrote a horror-themed music column called Dead Beats, and when he was writing the first Generation Dead novel he had a ritual where he started his writing day with a Metal playlist that kicked off with “Crushing Belial” by Shadows Fall.

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