EUNOMIA – Chronicles Of Eunomia Part 1

EUNOMIA - Chronicles Of Eunomia Part 1
  • 4/10
    EUNOMIA - Chronicles Of Eunomia Part 1 - 4/10


Pride and Joy Music
Release date: August 1, 2018

User Review
10/10 (1 vote)

Delivering an ambitious concept album as their full-length debut, Eunomia has attempted to jump into the ranks of the veteran Melodic Power Metal bands with only one album. Although there are some notable bright spots on this release, the overall impact of Chronicles Of Eunomia Part 1 is somewhat hampered by shoe horned lyrics and inconsistent vocal performances, all wrapped up in unoriginal (even for this genre) song structures and riffs.

The songs on this album sound as if they were written by two different people who never spoke to each other during the writing process. The lyrics rarely rhyme and often are very awkwardly inserted in to the melody of the songs. The underlying music is standard fare Power Metal, and the lyrics are more along the lines of spoken word poetry that has been mangled to make it deliverable by vocal melodies. Add to all this the fact that the album’s cover art appears as if it was lifted from a World Of Warcraft box set, and you have a recipe for a frustratingly unsettling and bland release.

All that is not to say that Chronicles Of Eunomia Part 1 is a total dog. The album’s production is quite nice, and there are some impressive choir passages. There are also a number of excellent guest performers (mostly vocalists) and their unique takes on the lyrical themes break up the otherwise monotonous nature of the songs nicely. It’s a damn shame that this album completely lacks the catchiness that the Power Metal genre is generally known for. That’s the one ingredient that is so painfully missing here.



  • Maxxxwell Carlisle

    Maxxxwell was a reviewer and the host of The Maxed Out Metal Hour here on Metal Express Radio. He is the current lead guitarist for LA based metal veterans Hellion. In addition to his ongoing role in Hellion, he has also released 5 albums as a solo artist and appeared as a guest writer and soloist on Michael Angelo Batio's Intermezzo album, named one of the Top 5 shred albums of 2014 by Guitar World Magazine. He continues to collaborate with various Metal musicians and teaches guitar technique and Metal composition via Skype. Additionally, he is a former competitive bodybuilder and enjoys a lifestyle based around health, fitness and Metal.

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