• 4.5/10
    TNT - XIII - 4.5/10


Frontiers Music
Release date: June 19, 2018

User Review
3/10 (2 votes)

Norwegian Hair Metal legends TNT are back with a new, polarizing album. A poor choice in XIII‘s lead singles will probably doom the release, which is a shame as this album does have many flaws but also contains some high-points that could potentially rank up there with some of TNT’s finest moments. The real standout performance here is that of new TNT vocalist Baol Bardot Bulsara. Hailing from Spain, his voice is a perfect fit for the not-easy-to-fill shoes of this act’s previous singers like Tony Harnell and Tony Mills. Bulsara’s voice reaches those wonderful, stratospheric tones with ease and he delivers a genuine and passionate performance. Where some of the vocals falter is in the lyric department. Songs like “Are You Ready For Some Hard Rock” and “Tears In My Eyes” are so predictable, they’re almost boring before you even hear them. That’s one of the biggest problems on XIII; much of the writing sounds phoned-in and uninspired. The fact that Ronni Le Tekro’s guitars are sometimes buried doesn’t help things, and even some of his solos sound as if he recorded them in his sleep.

All that being said, there are still some brilliant moments on this album. There are several fantastic ballads. “Where You Belong” and “Sunshine” both let Bulsara really explore his vocal range and the results are fantastic. The latter of those two features some pedal steel guitar, which surprisingly fits in perfectly with the vibe of the track, before setting up one of Le Tekro’s better solos of the release.

“Fair Warning” is another nice surprise. It starts out with a dirty, infectious groove and keeps things interesting with a refreshing song structure and some nice, organic guitar lines.

All things considered, this is probably one of the weaker TNT albums, but as many missteps as it has, a superb vocal performance and a handful of standout tracks keep XIII heading in the right direction as far as the eye can see.



  • Maxxxwell Carlisle

    Maxxxwell was a reviewer and the host of The Maxed Out Metal Hour here on Metal Express Radio. He is the current lead guitarist for LA based metal veterans Hellion. In addition to his ongoing role in Hellion, he has also released 5 albums as a solo artist and appeared as a guest writer and soloist on Michael Angelo Batio's Intermezzo album, named one of the Top 5 shred albums of 2014 by Guitar World Magazine. He continues to collaborate with various Metal musicians and teaches guitar technique and Metal composition via Skype. Additionally, he is a former competitive bodybuilder and enjoys a lifestyle based around health, fitness and Metal.

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