ISSA – Run With The Pack

ISSA - Run With The Pack
  • 7/10
    ISSA - Run With The Pack - 7/10


Frontiers Music
Release date: April 20, 2018

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

The fifth studio album from Norway’s Issa is touted as dream come true for Melodic Rock fans who enjoy huge vocals and soaring melodies.  Issa shares, “the album has got it all – edgy, dark and full of attitude on one hand, but also the classic larger-than-life ballads which I love so much.”  While the result of the über clean production and mix favoring Issa’s vocals could be described as huge, her vocals often take on a bit of a mousy edge rather than a lioness roar.  The soaring melodies typically struggle against the headwind of the vocal mix.

Bearing in mind Run With The Pack is not advertised as Melodic Metal, there are moments of sanitized mayhem.  The title track maintains strong melodic metal riffing and features a short burst of guitar heroics.  An excellent chorus is robbed of its impact by Issa’s inability to bring power and annunciation to her performance.  “Sacrifice Me” is easily the best track.  It’s a crunchy vocal duet sung at a slower pace with a darker attitude which matches Issa’s delivery. “Come Back Again” and “Closer To You” are two songs which will please a Melodic Metal fan.  However, the rest of the album is very light fare; mostly keyboard driven ballads and similar melodic fluff.  Listening to these songs may push a battle-hardened Metal fan into anaphylactic shock.  Such sensitive listeners might consider preparing an audio epi-pen of Nile or Goatwhore in case they have an adverse reaction.

Safety concerns aside, Run With The Pack is a solid Melodic Rock effort sure to please Issa’s fans and those of Journey or 80s era Heart.  Not recommended for Melodic Metal fans who demand a heavier edge to their music.



  1. Am I Losin’ You
  2. Run With The Pack
  3. Sacrifice Me (feat. Deen Castronovo)
  4. How Long
  5. The Sound Of Yesterday
  6. Come Back Again Now
  7. Talk To Your Heart
  8. Bittersweet
  9. Closer To You
  10. Irreplaceable
  11. Everything To Me


Issa Oversveen – vocals
Simone Mularoni – guitars
Alessandro Del Vecchio – keyboards
Andrea ToWer Torricini – bass,
Marco Di Salvia – drums


  • Zac Halter

    Zac was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio, hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. His interest in heavy music began in the 70s with his father’s Johnny Cash albums. After cousins introduced him to Steppenwolf, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, KISS, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple, Johnny Cash didn’t stand a chance. The 80s were spent in full pursuit of everything Metal: searching for new music at record stores, listening to albums, studying the covers and sleeves, and attending concerts. In the 90s, he preferred Death Metal over Grunge and hosted the Death Metal Juggernaut on WUPX in Marquette, Michigan. It was advertised as the only prime time Death Metal radio show in the country.

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