TRIGRAM – Trigram

TRIGRAM - Trigram
  • 6.5/10
    TRIGRAM - Trigram - 6.5/10


Release date: January 5, 2018

User Review
5/10 (1 vote)

Trigram’s four track debut EP captures a textbook blend of contemporary, radio-friendly, ending credit roll, accessible Modern Hard Rock. With a late 2000a sound, impressive album production, vague hints of indie rock and atmospheric vibes, and tried-and-true songwriting structures, this is an excellent albeit passé debut for the Modern Hard Rock genre.

Being that this is a relatively short release, even for an EP, Trigram has put forth a perfect testing-the-waters release, to gauge not only audience, but also industry interest. The opening track, “Assimilate” has all the catchiness and headbanging goodness that a Modern Rock track can hope to bring. This then glides nicely into “Entropy”, which is perhaps the heaviest track on the release. “Bleed Out” features some tasty bass grooves before the release closes with the washy, reverb laden “Tick Down”. There’s something here for any fan of contemporary, mainstream Rock.

In some ways it can be a bit heartbreaking to see a release like this. Ten years ago, this release would have setup Trigram to be a shoe-in for the next hot Modern Rock act.  Alas, the industry and audience tastes have shifted so much in that time that Trigram may simply be overlooked, to the disservice of Modern Rock fans everywhere. Regardless of Trigram’s future, this is a well-produced and totally enjoyable debut EP.


  • Maxxxwell Carlisle

    Maxxxwell was a reviewer and the host of The Maxed Out Metal Hour here on Metal Express Radio. He is the current lead guitarist for LA based metal veterans Hellion. In addition to his ongoing role in Hellion, he has also released 5 albums as a solo artist and appeared as a guest writer and soloist on Michael Angelo Batio's Intermezzo album, named one of the Top 5 shred albums of 2014 by Guitar World Magazine. He continues to collaborate with various Metal musicians and teaches guitar technique and Metal composition via Skype. Additionally, he is a former competitive bodybuilder and enjoys a lifestyle based around health, fitness and Metal.

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