RABID BITCH OF THE NORTH – Nothing But A Bitter Taste

RABID BITCH OF THE NORTH - Nothing But A Bitter Taste
  • 3/10
    RABID BITCH OF THE NORTH - Nothing But A Bitter Taste - 3/10


Hostile Media
Release date: August 18, 2017

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Your immediate impression of Rabid Bitch Of The North’s Nothing But A Bitter Taste may be that of vintage NWOBHM.  Think, Neat Records era Raven or the fledgling efforts of Holocaust.  Unfortunately, the band doesn’t have enough well-crafted songs to overcome weak production and average musicianship.

The production delivers each element of the Belfast power trio cleanly.  Vocals, guitar, bass guitar, and drums are clearly discernible throughout each song.  Unfortunately, the drums and bass lack the impact of low-end punch.  The percussion lacks bass as if the kit consists only of a spare snare and a cast off cymbal.  The guitar tone is wonderfully raw but the performance is dull; delivering riffs with mechanical precision and solos with obligation rather than a spontaneous release of tension like the joy of a freshly unleashed animal.  The vocals, while passionate, just don’t have the range and breath support for an emotional delivery.  The result is strained performances such a “God Of Punishment” and “Defending Two Castles”.  The band displays some potential on the lead tracks “The Missionary” and “Chance” but the lack of hooking riffs, unimaginative bridges, and an aversion to anything other than mid-tempo won’t hold a listener’s attention.

While Rabid Bitch Of The North’s Nothing But A Bitter Taste wouldn’t be classified as bitter, it does lack flavor.  The album is an homage to NWOBHM, but lacks the production, musicianship, and songwriting to warrant a spot in any but the most avid Traditional Metal fan’s collection.



  • Zac Halter

    Zac was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio, hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. His interest in heavy music began in the 70s with his father’s Johnny Cash albums. After cousins introduced him to Steppenwolf, Bachman-Turner Overdrive, KISS, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple, Johnny Cash didn’t stand a chance. The 80s were spent in full pursuit of everything Metal: searching for new music at record stores, listening to albums, studying the covers and sleeves, and attending concerts. In the 90s, he preferred Death Metal over Grunge and hosted the Death Metal Juggernaut on WUPX in Marquette, Michigan. It was advertised as the only prime time Death Metal radio show in the country.

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