JORN – Heavy Rock Radio

  • 7/10
    JORN - Heavy Rock Radio - 7/10


Frontiers Records
Release date: June 14, 2016

User Review
6/10 (1 vote)

Heavy Rock Radio from Jorn is a wonderfully produced covers album featuring a refreshing albeit eclectic selection of songs done in Jorn’s signature Traditional Metal style and featuring, of course, the legendary vocal prowess of Jorn Lande. Tracks range from standard Metal hits like, DIO’s “Rainbow In The Dark”, to Pop and Classic Rock cuts like Frida’s “I Know There’s Something Going On” and Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'”, respectively.

Even the softer songs like The Eagles, “Hotel California” have a, perhaps unavoidable, hard edge to them and while this lends some extra power to many of the more melodic tracks, some of them don’t make the Pop-to-Metal translation so well. Jorn’s established Metalhead fan base might have a hard time with “I Know There’s Something Going On” and the Kate Bush classic, “Running Up That Hill”. The 2nd half of the album is the harder material and will no doubt be a joy for the general Metal audience. Heavy Rock Radio is very well done but essentially seems to just be a collection of songs that Jorn Lande and the band felt like recording for the fun of it.


  • Maxxxwell Carlisle

    Maxxxwell was a reviewer and the host of The Maxed Out Metal Hour here on Metal Express Radio. He is the current lead guitarist for LA based metal veterans Hellion. In addition to his ongoing role in Hellion, he has also released 5 albums as a solo artist and appeared as a guest writer and soloist on Michael Angelo Batio's Intermezzo album, named one of the Top 5 shred albums of 2014 by Guitar World Magazine. He continues to collaborate with various Metal musicians and teaches guitar technique and Metal composition via Skype. Additionally, he is a former competitive bodybuilder and enjoys a lifestyle based around health, fitness and Metal.

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