A progressive power metal war horse, Divided Multitude would be best described to the uninitiated as a hybrid of In Flames, Nevermore and, due to Eskild Kløften’s stunningly effective keyboard work, Dream Theater.
The new album “Divided Multitude” marks the band’s 20th anniversary as a band, and shows their strength as a band, and shows the band more versatile than ever. 10 new hard-hitting tracks from one of the “godfathers” of Norwegian Prog-Metal.
Set for release in December in Europe, and January in the USA.
After the band’s show we’ll play six tracks of Divided Multitude
Tune in at 15:00 and 21:00 CET/ 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. EST this Friday to hear the show
Here is the video for the track “Scars”
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