W.A.S.P. – W.A.S.P.

  • 9/10
    W.A.S.P. - W.A.S.P. - 9/10


Capitol Records
Release Date: August 17, 1984

User Review
10/10 (1 vote)

80’s “Shock Rock” was enhanced with the themes portrayed in W.A.S.P.’s self-titled debut in 1984. From sexual taboos (“Animal, Fuck Like A Beast”) to more occult themes (“The Hellion”).

With confidence and a Rock N’ Roll vibe from hell, Blackie Lawless and company wanted to be someone as sung in “I Wanna Be Somebody” which is one of the biggest hits from this album. The refrain is strong, iconic and powerful, and paves the way for the rest of the album. Multi-layered choruses take the sing-along factor up a notch in both the up-tempo songs and mid-tempo songs.

The ballad “Sleeping (In The Fire)” begins slow and moody, building up to the chorus which dominates the rest of the song and has some great guitar hooks from Chris Holmes and Randy Piper.

The Rock/Blues style of the album gives a good vibe to the content in the lyrics with a touch of Glam typical of the period. The vocals, done by front figure Blackie Lawless, gives off the impression of an angry, insecure kid with a desire to seem confident which suits the overall production and style.

They became one of the most profiled bands in the “Shock Rock” scene among the likes of Twisted Sister, Mötley Crüe and Alice Cooper. A big controversy was the use of blood and porn in their live sets which caught the attention of the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC).

W.A.S.P. is a powerful piece of work from beginning to end that delivered big, catchy choruses and hair on the chest with its Rock approach. With lyrics that don’t seem cliché you won’t roll your eyes in embarrassment but roll with the flow and bang your head, shouting the words with the same confidence Blackie does.


  • Sondre Lyngvær

    Sondre was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio, based out of Selbu, Norway. Mixed tapes, carefully recorded by his brother's Metal Brothers (and so forth), who spent hours sitting next to the cassette player picking the songs and artists they wanted to share with the small community they lived in, was his first venture into Heavy Metal. His cassette player fed him riffs from Mötley Crüe to Metallica, and he was headbanging his brain into a pulp.

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