At Sentrum Scene, Oslo, Norway, April 16, 2010

All photos by Karolina E. Piwko

Those who have seen Kamelot’s live DVD, One Cold Winter’s Night know that the American/Norwegian Symphonic Power Metallers have a special relationship with their Norwegian fans. This was also the case when Kamelot ended their European tour in singer Roy Khan’s homeland. The band played four concerts in two days in Oslo, two in the daytime for fans under the age of 18, and two at night for those old enough to buy a beer. Kamelot had three different support bands for each night; on this night, the first of the two, the Power Metallers of Highland Glory, Roy Khan’s friends from the Stoner Rockers of Jaqueline, and the German/Norwegian Gothic Metallers of Leaves’ Eyes were responsible for warming up the crowd before Kamelot’s entrance.

Leaves’ Eyes

Leaves’ Eyes was undoubtedly a band many had come to see. Unfortunately they suffered a bit from an almost inaudible guitar sound that would also haunt Kamelot’s performance a little later. The drums however were great and the vocals were crystal clear. Lead singer Liv Kristine Krull’s soprano voice was spectacular and worth the ticket price alone. It stands a bit unclear what her husband Alexander Krull’s role in the band is. He provided some grunts, but for most part he repeated a couple of words that Liv Kristine had sung, and probably had no more than two-three lead parts throughout the set. On the albums he’s credited for playing keyboards, but live they had the keyboard and symphonic parts triggered instead, and instead Mr. Krull ran around on stage and tried to get the crowd to shout.

The band played flawlessly, and Viking inspired Folk Metal seemed to get the crowd in the right mood. In fact the whole stage was dressed in Viking inspired art such as “Sverd i stein” and Viking ships. The best part was arguably when an approximately 30 cm long Viking ship was lowered onto the stage on a wire. It was undoubtedly not planned as it had some of the band members bursting out in laughter over what was literally their own Spinal Tap-moment.


Kamelot (Live)After Norway Rock Festival had announced their program for 2010, Kamelot entered the stage. There was something in the air as the band started playing the first tones of the title track from their latest release Ghost Opera (2007), and when the band was well into the song the air was electric. The band continued playing “EdenEcho” off the same record before introducing a new song from their upcoming release. The crowd responded positively to “The Great Pandemonium,” and if the rest of the songs on their upcoming album holds the same quality as this one and “Hunter’s Season,” the other new song they played, then we got a lot to look forward to.

Front man, Roy Khan, knew just what the crowd wanted, and how to handle them. He’s everything an experienced front man should be. He’s singing was on top this evening and his theatrical emanation captured the crowd and there was some kind of magic surrounding the bands’ performance. There was also time for a few Kamelot classics from Epica before Khan went off stage to let the rest of the band play an instrumental song. “Center Of The Universe” seemed a bit more known for the crowd than “Wander,” but even though Ghost Opera and The Black Halo dominated the setlist, a few old ones made it to the stage as well, something the crowd seemed more than pleased with. The instrumental track showed some great technical skills from the individual band members, and bass player Sean Tibbett impressed with and without a pick, and topping it all with some slapping and tapping.

Kamelot (Live)The keyboard solo spot and drum solo spot was okay, but nothing more than that. There’s no doubt that both keyboardist Oliver Palotai and drummer Casey Grillo are great at what they’re doing, but they didn’t reinvent the wheel as much as do something standard to please the crowd. Kamelot went all the way this evening and both pyrotechnics and smoke was used to enhance the experience for the crowd. The mandatory “Forever” was played before the band went off-stage for the first time. The band came onstage again with an exotic dance by a gypsy-looking dancer. As she danced off the stage, the band started playing “The Black Halo.” After followed a completely stripped down and beautiful version of “Anthem,” before the second song, and title track, from Karma was performed. The crowd was ecstatic and Khan even had to stop talking between two songs because the crowd kept shouting the band name and clapping unanimous.

Once again the band left the stage, only to come back on and play the long awaited “March Of Mephisto.” The song is probably the band’s biggest “hit” and the crowd knew every word. Kamelot performed with the routine and greatness worthy of a band that celebrates their 20th anniversary next year. Their sound lacked a bit balls since the guitar sound drowned a bit, but there’s still something magic surrounding Kamelot’s performances in Norway. No matter how many concerts they play in the country, there isn’t a shortage of people who wants to see them.

Kamelot Setlist

  1. Ghost Opera (off Ghost Opera)
  2. EdenEcho (off Ghost Opera)
  3. The Great Pandemonium (new song)
  4. The Human Stain (off Ghost Opera)
  5. Center Of The Universe (off Epica)
  6. Wander (off Epica)
  7. The Pendulous Fall (off Ghost Opera)
  8. Instrumental jam
  9. When The Lights Are Down (off The Black Halo)
  10. Lost & Damned (off Epica)
  11. Keyboard solo
  12. The Haunting (Somewhere In Time) (off The Black Halo)
  13. Hunter’s Season (new song)
  14. Rule The World (off Ghost Opera)
  15. Drum solo
  16. Forever (off Karma)
  17. Interlude II: Un Assassinio Molto Silenzioso (off The Black Halo)
  18. The Black Halo (off The Black Halo)
  19. Anthem (off Ghost Opera)
  20. Karma (off Karma)
    Encore II:
  21. March Of Mephisto (off The Black Halo)


  • Kristian Singh-Nergård

    Kristian is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He is Metal Express Radio's Marketing and Communications Manager, and on occasions also reviewer and photographer. Based out of Oslo, Norway, Kristian is a bass player and owner of the independent record label Pug-Nose Records. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2006.

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