SILENT CALL – Creations From A Chosen Path

  • 8.5/10
    SILENT CALL - Creations From A Chosen Path - 8.5/10


Escape Music
Release Date: 2008-08-22

User Review
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The Melodic Rock scene in Sweden really thrives right now. Through this very year we’ve seen many great releases, and yet some not so good as well. Now we’re about to look upon one of the best releases heading from the Swedish Melodic Rock scene; Silent Call. The trails of Silent Call goes way back to 1990 when Patrick and Daniel begun playing together. In 2006 the band’s line-up was completed. Their four track demo tape which was released in 2007 under the name Divided gained them a lot of attention from European labels. They decided to sign with Escape Music and begun working on the debut album which is now accessible; Creation From Another Path.

The strong opener “My Way, My Time” truly sets the standard for this album. It goes forward with such drive that you can’t stop your foot from stomping a beat in ecstasy. The riffs are aggressive and the keyboard pulls it all together with its outstanding chord progressions and sound. What is the most pleasing appearance on this song, and the rest of the album, is the voice of vocalist Andi Kravljaca which has a clear and high-pitched voice. He doesn’t get tiring listening to either because he doesn’t overload the album with constant high notes. He rather enjoys himself somewhere in between the high and low register most of the time. Of course he also experiments in those two mentioned registers as well. He actually sounds like a mix of the singers Michelle Luppi (Vision Divine) and Fabio Lione (Rhapsody Of Fire).

“I Belive In Me” is the first ballad on the record. It opens with moody piano playing, shortly after, it is followed by the entire band. The band sounds fantastically tight and delivers their very best. Again you’re blown away by the voice of singer Andi. The strength of an album really relies on the vocalist. The music can be fantastic but if the vocalist has an awful voice then it is difficult to like it, after all, it is the singer that conveys the musical message through the lyrics and vocal lines.

A one minute long intro entitled “Fallen”, which is a little symphonic inspired, mostly dominated by piano and synth effects, opens for the song “Rise”. It’s one of the darkest and most aggressive songs on the record. On this one the first guitar solo appears too! There are actually two solos on this one, maybe compensating for the lack of solos on the previous songs?

“Divided” is the title track from their demo tape which gained them a record deal. Listening to this one it’s quite understandable why they were signed. It’s a tremendous song, very melodic and dominated by aggressive guitars and atmospheric keyboards.

But what is the most surprising thing with this album comes on the song “Long Comes The Night”. Previously on this record there have not been many guitar solos, and those that have been are not that impressive. One starts to believe the guitarist is not much of a solo player, but in the minute you’re settled with this thought in mind he literally blows your mind away. Midway in this song his playing explodes! His fingers run up and down the guitar-neck shredding out a million notes, screaming aggressively and in the end he even harmonies the madness. It’s pure enjoyment! And what a surprise actually, it comes like lightning on a cloudless day.

There’s no doubt in that this is a very solid release. Creation From Another Path features guest appearances from some very great names like, for example, singer Goran Edman, which is maybe most known for his work with John Norum (Europe) and Yngwie Malmsteen.

Their music is a slight mixture of Melodic Rock and Progressive elements, it makes the songs not so predictable and more exciting as well. With a fantastic production this album sends itself into the group of “greatest Melodic Rock releases” so far this year. This is an album worthy to be checked out, Silent Call is definitely a band one should hope from more from!

1. My Way, My Time
2. Outcast
3. I Believe In Me
4. Fallen
5. Rise
6. Hold On
7. I Come Undone
8. Divided
9. Long Comes The Night
10. Can’t Breathe
11. Behold My Dreams
12. Bloodred Sky
13. The Chosen Path

Silent Call is: Patrik Ulfström
Daniel Ekholm
Mikael Kvist
Andi Kravljaca
Tobbe Moen

Produced By: Silent Call and Martin Kronlund
Mixed By: Martin Kronlund


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