Interview with JOE (DERDIAN)

Joe, the voice of the Italian Symphonic Metal band Derdian joined MER’s company and gave some answers regarding their latest release and their future plans.

Metal Express Radio:
Hello from and congrats on your new album. What is the current situation in Derdian?

Hi, I’m Joe, singer of Derdian and first, thank you so much for your congratulations! Well, currently our situation in Derdian is very good! We have completed the line-up, finding Marco (the bass player) and New Era Pt. 2 is out and all around the world! There have been many good reviews and we’re very proud of this! We have many fans (visit our blog!) and we have a contract with Magna Carta, a label that I’ve known since I was a teenager! Now, we would like to play touring Europe and, why not, the world (it’s a dream!). We know that is not a good moment for this … but we are working on that.

Do you read the reviews on your albums?

Yes! I believe that knowing and accepting useful critics helps us to try to make better albums and to improve ourselves!

Derdian have been greatly influenced from Rhapsody Of Fire. Is it annoying to be compared with your fellow countrymen?

Oh yes!!! I think this is a burden that will follow us forever !!! … it’s our destiny … like the Ring of Frodo in Lord of The Rings.

How did you come up with the Derdian concept?

The name “Derdian” was born in an Henry’s alcoholic night many years ago and about concept we write it step by step….

You have some additional work on your site by adding the complete storyline and even a map of your fictional world. Whose has been working on them?

I work to Web Site, Garry works on Blog and Salva helps me concerning artwork! All is made by DERDIAN!

Do you have the storyline completed in your mind or do you write the story album by album?

There’s a basic concept, but the storyline is written album by album.

Are there any thoughts of turning the story into a book?

By now, I think it’s impossible, we must play and we don’t have so much time to be involved in more projects or enterprises like this one!! But please, don’t say it Garry because he’s crazy and he could think that this is a good idea for Derdian! Ahahahhah

Since the new album is a concept, what was your composing process? Did the music or the lyrics come first?

We have a basic concept. On this concept Garry or Henry (and now Dario too) write a track, make an mp3 and send it all band members. If us all judge it a good idea, then, in studio, we work on arrangements. Everyone is involved on his own instrument and parts.

What is the situation in the Italian metal scene?

In Italy there are many optimal bands with a great fame all around the world (Lacuna Coil, Rhapsody of Fire) or less (SecretSphere) as in each country, I think. But, If I could tell you the particularity of Italy, it is the total lack of nationalism: for example, in Spain Mago The Oz sell 300.000 copies, in Germany bands like Helloween and Gamma Ray or Primal Fear had glory and fame since the beginning of their career; here, in Italy, a young band, must before to be recognized abroad and then, Italy too will recognize its value!

You started as a Thrash band, how did you decide to change your sound towards symphonic power metal?

I don’t know: when I joined band, Derdian was already a Power Symphonic Metal band! But I can imagine that the arrival of Garry in the band, has been fundamental about this!

What is your opinion on the symphonic power metal scene? Do you think that the metalheads have in some way lost their interest?

Oh this is a difficult question for me….I love this kind of music, I love bands like Rhapsody, Royal Hunt, SymphonyX, Dark Moor, etc. I think and hope that this kind of music will never die and that there are more and more people in the world who listen to it!

What are your tour plans?

Can we change the question?!! Ahah it’s a joke. Well, to make a little tour has become really difficult now, but we are working to make it with many booking and management agencies in Germany, Italy and perhaps in Spain … Let’s hope…

Rhapsody Of Fire have been accused for using recorded parts in their live performances since their music is kind of complicated. Do you think that you’ll face the same kind of skepticism?

No I think! I think Derdian sound is the right mix of Symphonic and Power; we try to make music that we can play without using recorded parts, I think that losing some arrangements for a live, it should be a good compromise. We don’t have the lyrics and symphonic parts like Rhapsody of Fire!! But please, stop speaking about them : Derdian is Derdian, Rhapsody is one more thing !!!! ahahhah

What is the next step for Derdian?

Live , live, live, live and more live….and in 2008 (I hope!), New Era pt.3

These were my questions. Thank you for your time, add anything you’d like that I forgot to ask.

Thank you too! Well, I would say to the guys reading this interview: if you don’t know Derdian, visit our website:! We’re waiting for you! CIAO e GRAZIE!!!!


  • Dr. Dimitris Kontogeorgakos

    Dimitris was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He has a diploma in Physics, a Masters in Medical Physics and a doctorate dimploma in Nuclear Medicine (this is the reason for his Dr. title). He was given his first Heavy Metal tape at the age of 12 which was a compilation entitled Scandinavian Metal Attack. The music immediately drew his attention and there he was listening to the first Iron Maiden album, trying to memorize the names of the band members. That was it! After some years, he stopped recording tapes and started buying vinyl records, spending every penny in the local record shop. The first live concert he attended was Rage co-headlining with Running Wild.

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