CRAZY LIXX – Loud Minority

  • 9/10
    CRAZY LIXX - Loud Minority - 9/10


Swedmetal Records
Release Date: November 15, 2007

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

It’s certainly been a great year for fans of 80’s Hard Rock/Hair Metal with strong releases already in the bag from Dokken, American Angel, Dirty Penny, and from out of Sweden … Crashdïet. Now it’s smack dab in the middle of the fourth quarter of 2007 and the country of Sweden demands to be heard once again, this time with her latest “bad boys” in the form of Crazy Lixx.

Crazy Lixx have gone all out with an eleven-track debut that is strong on choruses and is just oozing with “arena rock” goodness. They took no gambles on sound quality either by hiring Chris Laney (Zan Clan, Animal) to handle recording, mixing and production. The net result is one nice, crisp, clean sounding disc that can stand toe-to-toe with some of the best 80’s classics.

Simply put… these guys have the potential to revive and lead the cause for “arena rock” with their four-man rocking approach. The band’s qualities include, foremost, great song writing coupled with buzz saw guitars, infectious gang shout choruses and crisp vocals. All of this is accomplished without incriminating one’s intelligence with absurd lyrics or overdone guitar solos.

“Hell Or High Water” is the album opener and it contains all the aforementioned qualities. The track serves as a great introduction to the band and it’s by no means the strongest track available here! “Dr Hollywood” takes the whole concept one step further by kicking up the same qualities a notch further. While the track is a bit mellower the chorus and backing vocals Rock hard putting even Def Leppard to shame. “Want It” is the current single and it’s melodic chorus makes it a gem fit to sparkle on any rock oriented radio station. “Make Ends Meet” also has this same potential, but it has more of a Pop Rock feel to it while at the same time displaying a great sense of writing maturity. “Heroes Are Forever” was the first single and its big hook and subject matter easily makes the track a potential addition to many “root for the hero” movie soundtracks out there on the market. “Do Or Die” desires honorable mention as it’ll become an easy favorite for all the same reasons.

Bottom line, if you’re into the 80’s Hard Rock style of bands like Crashdïet, classic Skid Row, Ratt, etc. then you need to grab a copy of this release. These guys know how to write big hooks and strong melodies which all has them poised to become the next big thing out of Sweden! It’ll be interesting to see what the band manages to pull together for a sophomore release because any band of this nature would have a hard time outdoing this remarkably infectious debut!!!


Dirtchild (D.C.) Danny – Vocals
Vic Zino – Guitars
Luke Rivano – Bass
Joey Cirera – Drums


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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