MAHAVATAR – From The Sun, The Rain, The Wind, The Soil

MAHAVATAR - From The Sun, The Rain, The Wind, The Soil


Escapi Music
Release date: August 20, 2006

User Review
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This band was the product of a rare alliance between the Jamaican guitarist Karla Williams and the Israeli singer Lizza Hayson that took place in the summer of 1999. The two artists share the same vision to explore the dark corners of Metal music and cut out new musical paths. Their intentions materialized in the form of Mahavatar – which translates to energy in Hindu.

Mahavatar wasted no time and recorded two demos for promotional purposes that made quite an impression through the media and gave them some additional “air time” in the local radio stations.

After some changes, the line–up was solidified after the addition of two Israelis, the guitarist Shahar and the drummer Eran, as well as the bassist Szymon from Poland. Escapi Records took the chance to release From the Sun, the Rain, the Wind, the Soil that contains all the songs of the band’s debut album entitled Go With The No!, which was release in February 2004, plus two new tracks.

Mahavatar’s music is a real puzzle when it comes to categorization. They managed to create a unique blend comprising New Rock, Industrial, Hardcore, and even some Gothic Metal elements.

A heavy guitar riff opens for the first track of the album “Cult.” Lizza’s vocals and the groovy rhythm section create a Rob Zombie feeling. The bass guitar brings “By The Numbers” in the front, revealing the melodic profile of the band. The in-your-face “Raw” is next, following the Hard Core pissed-off pattern with some melodic couplets, adding some points to the average grading.

Lizza really shines on “Bh,” enriching the deep growls with the beautiful Middle Eastern tunes. Like a chameleon, the band changes style, moving towards the Gothic Metal territory with low tuned guitars and a heavy rhythm section during “Open Your Minds.” Some credit is deserved for the lead guitars that feature creative solos and nicely composed riffs.

The Middle Eastern atmosphere becomes vivid somewhere in the middle of the track “Psychos,” where the traditional percussion takes the lead besides some driven-away arias. In the next track, “The Prophecy,” lurks a Doom Metal feeling expressed with tone-heavy guitars and yet again another powerful performance by Lizza. The bass guitar opens for the next two tracks, “Deep Cobble” and “Anger,” where clean and extreme vocals change places. The last and epic song, “The Time Has Come,” is the longest in time duration and has strong Middle Eastern influences that can be considered the trademark for future Mahavatar releases.

With the help of an almost forward sound production, Mahavatar’s debut release will bring joy to all the Metal fans that are out in search of something new and fresh.


  • Dr. Dimitris Kontogeorgakos

    Dimitris was a reviewer and interviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He has a diploma in Physics, a Masters in Medical Physics and a doctorate dimploma in Nuclear Medicine (this is the reason for his Dr. title). He was given his first Heavy Metal tape at the age of 12 which was a compilation entitled Scandinavian Metal Attack. The music immediately drew his attention and there he was listening to the first Iron Maiden album, trying to memorize the names of the band members. That was it! After some years, he stopped recording tapes and started buying vinyl records, spending every penny in the local record shop. The first live concert he attended was Rage co-headlining with Running Wild.

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