BONFIRE – Double X

BONFIRE - Double X


MTM Music
Release date: May 18, 2006

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Germany’s premier Melodic Hard Rock band, Bonfire, is back after a three-year hiatus with new material, a new album, and a twenty-year anniversary tour. Bonfire is another one of life’s mysteries as to why they never achieved success in the States on the scale that their brethren The Scorpions have achieved. True, Bonfire did score some limited success in the late 80s and early 90s in the States with a few MTV Headbanger’s Ball videos, one culled from a movie soundtrack (anyone remember the thriller movie Shocker?). But, they never quite became a household name like The Scorpions did. Regardless, it’s the Americans’ loss, especially when a top notch band like Bonfire is still releasing quality Hard Rock material like Double X twenty years after their inception.

One of the first striking things to possibly raise an eyebrow on Double X is some of the subject material chosen by the band for this release. First up is the album opener “Day 911,” which is an aggressive, double bass drum, and fist-pumping piece of quality power Hard Rock. Obviously, the subject matter here deals with New York City, USA’s September 11th tragedy. The song asks the question whether or not all parties involved (victims and assailants) actually went to their respective Heaven. The band then takes it down a slight notch with “But We Still Rock,” which is another quality Melodic Hard Rocker that might have the underlying message that these “boys” still know how to kick it out even after twenty years. Based on the majority of the tracks on this CD, that could be no closer to the truth!

“Cry For Help” is a slower number that asks the question “What would God do if he was one of us?” seemingly in response to the killing of animals for Man’s “pleasures” (i.e., handbags, furs, ivory Chess pieces, etc.). “Rap Is Crap” is a great sing-along, anthem-style Rocker … undoubtedly the subject matter will anger someone somewhere.

“Bet Your Bottom Dollar” almost has a ZZ-Top Hard Rock feel to it, and stands out as sounding unique on the release. “What’s On Your Mind” starts out with a heavy riff before breaking into a catchy, melodic chorus line. The track turns out to be an “Anthemic” Rocker with heavy riff fills. So rides out the remainder of the CD … anthem-based Rockers until the closing track, “So What,” which is a high-throttle Rocker with another anthem chorus.

Bottom line, even after twenty years, Bonfire is still capable of delivering their brand of “Power Melodic” (is that an oxymoron?) brand of Hard Rock. Double X delivers a total of twelve tracks with a few ballads, but it overall constitutes in a very strong release. This one is recommended for Hard Rocker lovers all over the world! Thanks for the first twenty years Bonfire, now go forth and deliver another twenty years of quality music like Double X!


Claus Lessmann – Vocals
Uwe Köhler – Bass
Hans Ziller – Guitars
Jürgen “Bam-Bam” Wiehler – Drums


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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