AIRLESS – 2nd round


Lion Music
Release Date: April 10, 2006

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Quick to follow up on the success of a self-titled release, Airless is back with the aptly named 2nd Coming. Now with the support of a major label, Airless is bringing Hard Rock to the masses.

The sound is a mix of many of the great Melodic Hard Rock acts that reigned the airwaves in the mid-eighties. Imagine, if you will, Kip Winger writing songs for Kingdom Come … sensible AOR driven tunes, delivered in quick punches of tight and polished musicianship. Most of the album is played in quick pace with the gratuitous ballad thrown in to show their thoughtful, loving side. Unlike many bands from non-English speaking segments of the world, vocalist Iñaki Lazcano delivers well-phrased lyrics that do not sound like a mish-mash of broken English.

Guitarist Robert Rodrigo is reminiscent of early Eddie Van Halen or Loudness’ Akira Takasaki; he plays a lot of notes and arpeggio chord voicings during the songs. The sound really lifts the songs and breaks away from the mold of what many of today’s bands are doing. It is refreshing to hear such dynamic playing in the context of some great melodies and strong song structure.

Miguel Manjon handles his bass duties, both with solid 16th note thumping lines and by duplicating some of Rodrigo’s licks; a very tasty bassist who is sure to be a major name in the near future. The quartet is rounded out by the solid-hitting Paco Martinez on drums.

Opening with the title track “2nd Coming,” you almost expect the song to rocket into a breakneck pace as so many opening tracks do. However, the song takes a groove-oriented approach that features some solid bass playing from Miguel and a cool, breathy vocal delivery from Iñaki. From there on out, the music sticks to a steady AOR format, but keeps things fresh with some exciting finger work on both Robert and Miguel’s parts (notice the cool bass/guitar riff in “It’s Up To You”). Other highlights are “Cross the Line” and “The Storm,” two tracks that are sure to bring the crowds to their feet once these songs are showcased live.

Airless’ 2nd Coming is apt to leave you hungry for more. Great songs and strong musical skill make for an impressive album. Once these guys hit the road, their buzz will only get stronger. Don’t be late to the party, go out and buy this disc now; it won’t be long before it is considered a classic.


  • Jeremy Juliano

    Jeremy was a reviewer here at Metal Express Radio. He's been involved with and has been following the Metal scene since the early 1980’s. He started out his Metal journey with heavy doses of Maiden, Accept, and Saxon. And in recent years, he has enjoyed the new age of Metal with bands like Hammerfall, Edguy, and Nightwish, to name a few.

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