
Lion Music
Release date: May 20, 2005

Guitars: B
Bass: C
Drums: C
Recording Quality: B
Lyrics: N/A
Originality: B
Overall Rating: B

User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

Once in awhile, even after being around music for several years, a little known artist and their newest release can catch one by surprise, even if it takes a listen or two. Danish shredder Torben Enevoldsen’s newest solo release, aptly entitled Flying Solo, is one such release. Torben’s latest band project is the Progressive Metal band named Section A and Flying Solo represents Torben’s third solo album, his first since 2001. No album title ever struck truer as this is indeed a “solo” effort by Torben, whose fingers do a lot of “flying” on each and every track.

Flying Solo is an instrumental powerhouse of an album, more driven by melody then pure gut-wrenching guitar pyrotechnics. This isn’t to say that Torben doesn’t burn a hole through a fret board or two. The statement is more a testament to the fact that Torben is mature enough not to get wrapped up completely himself, but to devote ample time and energy to each track’s composition.

Tracks like “1:49 A.M.” and “Beyond Compare” are examples of how Torben can open and end a flurry of guitar notes with a soft-spoken melody line. Several of the tracks contain similar moments of confidence and plateaus. That which starts out as a quiet passage, can abruptly erupt into a flurry of guitar runs. Highlights include “Departure,” which is a high-paced rocker in a Satriani sort of way, all without sounding at all like Joe. “Odd Measures” is another burner that has a nice, melodic guitar line, reminiscent of UFO guitarist Vinnie Moore’s earlier solo days. There’s not an awful track on this release. Some songs might indeed require a listen or two to fully appreciate them, but on subsequent spins you’ll almost feel like every song tells a story all its own.

The only complaint is the rhythm section (bass and drums), which, at times, sound somewhat mechanical, lacking in soul and come through light on the bottom end (especially tracks like “Odd Measures”). While reviewing this release, there was no information available as to other musicians that might have played on other instruments, so it is possible that a drum machine was employed. One can only imagine what this release would have sounded like with a drummer having a more bottom end and jazzier feel like Jeff Campitelli, Steve Smith, or Atma Anur.

Bottom line, fans of instrumental, melodic guitarists like Satriani, Vinnie Moore, and Anand will thoroughly enjoy this release… especially if you’re the type that likes a little melody stirred in with their guitar shredding. While there isn’t a lot to bang your head to, there is enough to keep your air guitar cranked to 10.


  • Scott Jeslis

    Scott is one of the partners at Metal Express Radio. He handles a lot of Metal Express Radio's public relations, screening of new music and radio scheduling. On occasion, he also does reviews and interviews. He has been a proud member of the Metal Express Radio crew since 2004.

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